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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-14 01:02:00

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Licking Their Wounds (Bendytimed to immediately after last post)
The skies were cleared and the cat-people seemed to be calming, if still nervous, as Elder Shadow addressed them.

"My people, we have been so very wrong. Look at the anguish and fear that has only been elevated in our attempts to protect ourselves and our world." He looks towards Lucas, before hurrying down the temple steps to tend to his wound personally, still addressing the others. "We cannot let the suffering and violation of one of our own blind us to the consequences of our actions. The Rituals will never be invoked, for they can only bring more pain and madness."

As he heals the wound, his tone becomes more personal. "Lucas Moonstar, Chris Pym, all members of the X-tribe.. we cannot offer enough apologies, and I give you mine personally. I will take whatever atonement you see fit to repent for the actions of my people's will and my own leadership."

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