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metempsychosis - mods ([info]metem_mods) wrote in [info]metem_ooc,
@ 2011-01-25 12:27:00

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Current mood: curious

Is not having holds that big of a problem? I've had several folks comment on it (and it's strange to me, personally, but I tend to whip out applications in one sitting).

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2011-01-25 08:02 pm UTC (link)
My point in asking for it is I figure if someone has to put in the effort to come up with something right up front, they'll be more likely than to go, "I want to app [Deity!]/[PB!]" and then go away and never come back. Three or four conditions cover a good third to half of the app (if you consider there are 9 required character things if you're apping a mortal and 11 if apping a deity). That makes for a pretty big chunk.

And I haven't even gotten to layout yet, but yes...assuming this gets put into place, the layout would change. Probably holds would have to be listed on both the app and cast pages.

PBs could be held as well.

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2011-01-25 08:06 pm UTC (link)
I was thinking of the smaller sections really- Name, Deity, PB, and then something fairly easy to come up with (such as appearance.) Make the larger section required and then whatever parts they already know/want (such at Deity/PB, or Name/PB, or Name/Deity). That way they have a few options in there.

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