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ollypop ([info]ollypop) wrote in [info]occultus,
@ 2011-11-06 12:45:00

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Entry tags:char: alicia spinnet, char: cho chang, char: fred weasley, char: george weasley, char: katie bell, char: marcus flint, char: oliver wood, char: oz bradley, char: sophie roper, char: tig oswauld-spinks, char: weasley twins

Who: Olly and friends.
What: Bonfire Party
Where: Olly's house
When: November 5th!
Rating: R?? (knowing Olly and Freds antics, Olly says people are welcome to his spare room but his bed and the dining room table are OUT OF BOUNDS!)
Status: Incomplete

Oliver bent down at the foot of the large pile of wood that was in his garden, using his wand to aim a spell into the centre of it. Moving back quickly he watched as the fire began to spread, starting the bonfire. Quickly he made his way around the fire, pushing foil wrapped potatoes into it; apparently something muggles did on bonfire night which he through sounded quite interesting. Oliver took several steps back and shivered as he passed through the wards he had placed around the bonfire. They were only there to stop any stray pups heading for the flames.

Whistling Oliver called Bailey and Dram to him, chuckling as they came barrelling over. Oliver planned on putting the dogs into a large pen he had built and then silencing it while the fireworks were going off, he didn’t want them to be frightened.

Hearing the doorbell go Oliver headed to the front door, thankful that everything was sorted already and pulled it open to see who the first person arriving would be.

“Hey, come on in” He grinned brightly, chuckling as Dram and Bailey jumped at the persons feet.

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2011-11-06 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Oliver grinned at the two ladies who were on his doorstep. "Hey Tig, of course I don't mind, you were invited you know," he stepped back so the girls could get into the house. Oliver chuckled as the pups yapped for attention.

Looking at Lici, Oliver couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his lips. "Mhmm, he doesn't know I have borrowed it yet, he left it here when the twins dropped the fireworks off," Oliver thought back to when the fireworks had been dropped off that morning.

Calling the pups Oliver shut the door behind everyone as they entered. "Drinks are in the kitchen, but what can I get you two ladies?" He asked, trying to be a good host. Oliver knew everyone would make themselves at home, he had already made up the guest rooms in case anybody decided to stay over.

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2011-11-06 03:21 pm UTC (link)
A look of realisation dawned on Tiger's face when Oliver said she had been invited too, a small pink blush tinting her cheeks. She thought the invite might have included her but wasn't too sure because her and Oliver weren't exactly as close as say Oliver and Lici or Oliver and Katie.

She knelt down and patted the pups briefly before standing again and entering the house, looking about in curiousity. Tig had no clue who Lici meant when she said 'Gingerbread's' but figured it was one of the Weasley Twins at Oliver's comment that followed. Of course, after a little thought the answer had to be Weasley 1 because she recalled seeing the jacket on Fred.

"How did you get the jacket bigger?" She wondered out loud. "Not that you are big. You're actually quite fit. Just that you are bigger than Weasley 1 and if that's he's jacket, wouldn't it be too small for you?" Tig wasn't known to think outside the obvious. She was the kind of girl that only understood things once they were explained by someone much smarter than her... which in her opinion was everyone.

In a way she was glad Oliver was wearing a leather jacket. Made her feel like she fit in with her bright red leather trousers.

"Oh, um... a G-spot Martini please." Tig replied, giggling a little. Certain cocktail names always made her giggle.

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2011-11-06 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Oliver looked down at the jacket he was wearing and shrugged, "Just seems were the same size, I must just have long legs," He hadn't even been sure the jacket would fit him when he slipped it on, but thankfully it did. Maybe it had altering charms on it so it increased or decreased in size depending on the wearer, he really didn't know.

"Coming right up Tigger, Lici?" He asked, leading both of the girls to the kitchen, puppies at their heals. The two dogs were currently at the stage of following everyone around. Stepping up to the island in the middle of the kitchen, that was covered in many different bottles of alcohol and juices, each will a cooling charm on them, Oliver began to mix Tig's drink, making enough to fill the large cocktail glasses he had bought for the party.

Handing Tig her drink, Oliver quickly threw together a Scottish slammer and downed his drink while he waited for Lici's answer.

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2011-11-07 05:43 pm UTC (link)
Alicia came up behind Oliver and slipped her arms round him, squeezing briefly. 'Hmmmm... I'd say you were about the same.' She smoothed her hands down his stomach. 'Waist...' Chuckling as her fingers went lower, she suddenly pulled away. 'No comment on the rest, but definitely longer legs. Though your shoulders are about the same.'

Skipping into the kitchen, Lici's eyes lit up as she saw all the bottles lined up on the bench. 'I think I'll just start with a Mai Tai.' Leaning against the island, she watched as Oliver mixed the drinks, taking hers as it was handed her and took a sip. 'Mmmm delicious. You been learning from Pretty?'

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2011-11-07 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Tig tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out if Oliver was the same size as Fred or not. When Alicia hugged the man as if measuring him up and said they were about the same she gave a little shrug and trusted the other blonde's judgement completely.

She followed into the kitchen, a small squeak of delight escape her at seeing all the bottles. Tig was by no means an alcoholic, she just liked the pretty colors and shapes of the bottles. Of course, the stuff inside the bottles was nice too.

"Thank you," Tig murmured politely upon getting her drink. She was always well behaved with manners when a guest in other people's homes. Sipping her drink, a little hum left her lips at how delicious it was.

She looked at Oliver after Lici's question, genuinely curious for the answer. "Pretty makes the best drinks. I think he'd be a wonderful person to teach making them." Tig babbled a little, the rate of her speech speeding up a little. "I wonder if he could teach me. I'll have to ask next time I am at the club."

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2011-11-08 05:15 pm UTC (link)
Feeling arms go around his waist, Oliver glanced over his shoulder. Shivering as Lici's hands slipped down his stomach Oliver let out a low growl as the blonde teased him. "You are a tease, but if you get to grope, then so do I," before the blonde managed to slip away Oliver ran his hands over her thighs. "No comment on the rest huh? I'll get your opinion later," he winked at her.

"Actually I have, I get to sneak behind the bar occasionally. He started me off with the simple stuff so don't get too complicated." Oliver reached into the cupboard that was in the island and pulled out a little notebook, full of loads of different cocktails recipes. "I have to write them down so I don't forget," he blushed a little at his admission.

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2011-11-08 06:45 pm UTC (link)
‘No comment,’ Lici repeated cheekily, licking her lips as he smoothed his hands over her thighs. ‘Later.’ It was no secret that Alicia and Oliver were friends with benefits. The same could be said of her and Fred, though things hadn’t been like that between them for a month or so now. A small frown crossed her face when she thought of that, but she quickly smiled again as her drink appeared.

Giggling as Oliver produced his notebook; Lici leaned over and plucked it from his fingers. Flipping through the pages she made a mental note of all the ones she wanted to try. Intending on testing Oliver’s mixing skills that evening. ‘There are some really good ones in here.’ She passed the notebook back, sipping her drink again. ‘I’ll have a Scottish Slammer next, please.’

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2011-11-09 10:40 am UTC (link)
Tig giggled a little at the pair's antics, a part of her wishing to join in but unsure how. Despite having a bubbly, upbeat personality, Tig wasn't very forward with flirting. At least, she didn't think she was. Sometimes she'd say something that could be taking into dirty context but she never got the double meaning until after she had said it.

At seeing the notebook, Tiger grinned and scooted closer to Lici to look at it with her. She could see a few she recognised but there were quite a few she didn't. "I like the look of that one." Tig pointed to the book briefly before it was handed back. She sipped her drink and moved back a little so Alicia wasn't crowded by her anymore. "What's in a Scottish Slammer?"

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2011-11-11 05:46 pm UTC (link)
"Definitely," Oliver licked his lips, knowing he would find the blonde later in the night, even if it was just for a few dances. It wasn't like he would be cheating on Fred, they both 'saw' other people.

Frowning as the little book was plucked from his fingers Oliver looked at both girls as they flicked through it. "Which one Tig? But yeah, there are quite a few different ones in there," Oliver took the book back and nodded, "Scottish slammers are easy!" Grabbing three glasses Oliver pulled the ingredients closer as he began to make the drinks up in a huge cocktail shaker. "Orange liqueur, a decent scotch whiskey, Amaretto, sugar syrup and strawberry juice," Oliver measured out each of the ingredients as he said their name. Throwing some ice into each glass Oliver looked at the girls.

"Fancy giving it a shake?" He asked, looking between both of them for an answer.

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2011-11-12 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Nodding her agreement as Tig pointed out a drink, she grinned at her friend. 'Me too, we'll have those after, yeah?' Clearing a little space on the bar, she lifted herself up to perch on the edge. Tilting her foot slightly, she admired her shoes for a moment, loving the way they looked and definitely glad she'd bought them.

Smiling slightly as Oliver listed the ingredients she let out a soft giggle. 'You know Olly, I think I would definitely like to shake it.' Taking the shaker she shook it deliberately mimicking another action. 'It's all in the wrist.' Grinning she passed the shaker over to Tig. 'Your turn!'

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2011-11-17 10:21 am UTC (link)
"That one." Tig pointed it out to Oliver when he asked. "Yeah, we'll have those and many others later, yeah? I like blue eyes. Very pretty, right Lici?" Anyone who knew Tiger-Lily knew the girl was excited just because she jumped quickly back and forth between topics.

She giggled when Lici said she'd like to shake it - not completely oblivious to the innuendo implied by that. Her giggles didn't cease when Lici proceeded to shake the shaker. "All in the wrist." She mimicked a little as the shaker was passed to her, copying Alicia's actions for a little bit before handing it back to Oliver.

"You know, someone once came in the hospital with an injured wrist from not 'shaking' right." Tig babbled a little, making air quotes with her fingers when she said shaking. "I didn't know it was possible to do it a wrong way, but apparently there is. Found out first hand when I went on a date with him afterward. You'd think he'd learn to do it right after injuring himself the first time."

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