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Fred G. Weasley ([info]forgeous) wrote in [info]occultus,
Frowning again as Oliver peered at him over the edge of the bed, Fred wondered why he was suddenly being called Babe instead of Red. Oliver could call anyone Babe. Probably did. 'Oh really?' One red brow arched and he looked at Oliver in challenge. 'You could warm me up?'

Shrugging at the question, he gave a brief outline, not really wanting to go into too much detail. 'Well it's supposed to make you younger but only for a couple of hours. I don't know, was a random idea.' Half the things he thought up, he never actually put on sale. Like Up for instance. Or the potion version of MDMA.

Sighing softly as his lower lip was bitten, Fred's fingers flexed in Oliver's hair wanting him closer. As the Keeper slid under the covers, Fred purred almost at the friction caused and then tensed a little as he felt just what Olly wanted. 'I want-' Glancing down he judged the size difference between them and bit his lip. 'To go back to sleep.'

Squirming his way out from beneath Oliver, he curled onto his side, with his back to the older man. Suddenly, he felt very small and he wondered if Oliver would up and leave. Not that he cared. They weren't really a couple anyway. Both saw other people. Didn't matter. He could go.

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