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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|11:35 am]
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From: (Anonymous)
2009-08-03 08:22 pm (UTC)


zomg I saw the e-mail and went "I'M DOING IT WRONG DDDD:"

I'll figure out something to post!

I'm free for chats most any time for the next two weeks, after that I dunno since I have training and then classes start. <3
[User Picture]From: [info]aniki_ukon
2009-08-03 08:22 pm (UTC)


That was me. <3
[User Picture]From: [info]ls_mod
2009-08-03 08:56 pm (UTC)


hgjhgjjgh Nooo no you're not. It was meant as a shocker to get everyone's attention. As for the chat it might happen tonight depending on if everyone is on.