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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|11:35 am]
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There needs to be quite a few more happy hugs all around so that we get more warm vibes and interaction in this community. Therefor I propose a community chat so that everyone could stop by and actually talk amongst yourselves as to the future plot here as well as more activity. Meaning logs, threads, anything. Feel free to message me at 'LastStretch Mod' via AIM with the time that is best for you or if you have any questions regarding whatever else troubles you. ♥

[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 04:46 pm (UTC)


...sdkfjslajfldf -NUDGES BACK- >__>
[User Picture]From: [info]ls_mod
2009-08-03 04:47 pm (UTC)


[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 04:49 pm (UTC)


B-but I can't post anything if nothing's happened. ;~;
[User Picture]From: [info]ls_mod
2009-08-03 04:50 pm (UTC)


That's what the chat is for, bb.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 04:52 pm (UTC)


...I'm available to post now... and... have nothing to post about.
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-08-03 04:53 pm (UTC)


Well we have the one log, but... :(

If Tenny were to do her event it'll be slow or deserted because everyone else is MIA.
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 04:56 pm (UTC)


The event's not scheduled to happen til the end of this month anyways... so... -twiddles thumbs-

Also (and completely off topic)... applied to 7 jobs this morning before 11 AM. And now I needs to shower. We shall continue this when I'm done... and hopefully I would've thought up a post by then.
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-08-03 04:58 pm (UTC)


Well our dearest Cella is off traveling so at least we know beforehand that she hasn't died/been kidnapped/got heavily distracted by something shiny.

... I need to apply, too. Doing that now. :|
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 05:35 pm (UTC)


THERE. Done.

...I might suggest CareerBuilder and searching for jobs in your general area. And Craigslist too but be more cautious about giving out info, obviously.
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-08-03 06:08 pm (UTC)


I see this~

And at least I have a 'history' to use because of the shop. :( But but but I just applied at Petco and am on to Petsmart now~
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 11:24 pm (UTC)


...You wish to work with animals, huh? Or are you trying to get a discount on future cat products?
[User Picture]From: [info]impellere
2009-08-03 11:26 pm (UTC)


I always liked animals. ;-;

But their hiring atm and apparently they're not doing well what with people leaving. So I can ninja sneak in there and take whatever pay they can give me. L-like a needy whore. :(
[User Picture]From: [info]oriental_dragon
2009-08-03 11:46 pm (UTC)


I know of very few people who don't. ;~;

I... there might be a job at Macy's. S-so you and me could in the same boat. We'll ninja together. ♥
From: (Anonymous)
2009-08-03 08:22 pm (UTC)


zomg I saw the e-mail and went "I'M DOING IT WRONG DDDD:"

I'll figure out something to post!

I'm free for chats most any time for the next two weeks, after that I dunno since I have training and then classes start. <3
[User Picture]From: [info]aniki_ukon
2009-08-03 08:22 pm (UTC)


That was me. <3
[User Picture]From: [info]ls_mod
2009-08-03 08:56 pm (UTC)


hgjhgjjgh Nooo no you're not. It was meant as a shocker to get everyone's attention. As for the chat it might happen tonight depending on if everyone is on.
[User Picture]From: [info]howlatthemoon
2009-08-04 03:00 am (UTC)


I'm here... ;_;
[User Picture]From: [info]haecceity
2009-08-04 07:21 am (UTC)

