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[Mar. 15th, 2010|08:50 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-15 11:20 pm (UTC)


Gilbert kneel down and unleashed the dogs, letting them run over to his brother.

"Well I was out walking the dogs, like you asked and I had an awesome idea and obviously it must have been SO awesome that it left my brain and traveled through the air and into your brain!" he said, mostly avoiding the question.

Gilbert walked over to his brother, almost as excited as the dogs at their feet as he began looking over the various things that had been cooked. "What are you talking about West? I am no mud tracker. Blame them!" he said, pointing towards the dogs as he pushed his brother to the side to look over the boiling pot himself. "They wanted to play with the awesome me at the park even though they knew good and well it was rainy and muddy out!"
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-15 11:27 pm (UTC)


Ludwig would have been much more pressing about this idea of Gilbert's if it wasn't for the fact his wonderful dogs were trying to eat the wurst he just finished cooking and getting mud all over the kitchen.

"Gilbert-!" Ludwig protested. "You could have at least hosed the mud off before letting them in!"

"Argh! Watch that pot! I need to clean-!" Cue Ludwig getting licked on the face.

"...I'll be right back." And with that Ludwig quickly led Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster out back to be rinsed off and dried. Hopefully Gilbert wouldn't make the kitchen explode in his temporary absence.