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[Mar. 15th, 2010|08:50 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-15 11:35 pm (UTC)


Roderich was sitting at the piano off in the other room, his fingers languishly giving their loving attention to each cream and black colored keys as the song of Johan sebastian Bach echoed melodiously throughout the house.

This however....was stopped quickly with the sounds of howling, mixed with the swearing and other such things.

Breathing in a problematic sigh, the only thing he could mutter to himself was this, "Gilbert must have" as he got up off the stool in which he sat and went to go see what the chaos he was causing for Ludwig.

...besides, part of himself couldnt help but be intrigued by the food being cooked.

Standing by the doorway after seeing Ludwig take the dogs outside, he shook his head. "Must he ALWAYS have to do everything for you Gilbert?" he asked with a sigh before he looked over at the baking chocolate. He wondered if he should think of making his chocolate chip type pancakes for a desert.... well, since Big brother West was making dinner, it was only fitting...
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-15 11:42 pm (UTC)


Gilbert had waved off his brother, only half listening to what he was saying. He did hear "Watch the pot" and was doing just that, staring into the pot of boiling potatoes.

He looked up from the pot briefly, how long had THAT guy been there? "He doesn't do everything for me Specs, I mean is he watching this pot? Nope. Didn't think so. It must suck to be wrong so much." he said to the other before looking back into the pot.
[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-15 11:44 pm (UTC)


He sighed yet again, re-adjusting his glasses. "No, but he WOULD be watching the pot if he didnt have to go out and clean the dogs that YOU went and got Dirty on your walk." he walked over and brushed some random mud off his face with his cloth, "Look at you.. at least take a bath before you try eating any of the food.. you know Ludwig will have puppies if any dirt gets soiled in the food.. especially if we're trying to conserve what we have before it spoils!"
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-15 11:53 pm (UTC)


Gilbert winced as though Roderich was putting a hot iron to his face instead of merely cleaning it. "Hey! I'm not THAT dirty, I dont need any mother treatment here!" he said, pulling away.

He looked back to the pot again, momentarily. He didnt WANT to pick a fight with Roderich...Ok yeah, maybe he DID but his brother entrusted him with this pot watching task and he was determined not to half ass it this time like the last two things his brother asked him to do.

"Listen, he asked me to take the dogs out! If he hadn't asked me to do that, they wouldnt have gotten muddy, they wouldnt have gotten me muddy, and he would be here watching this pot. So really, it's not my fault." he snapped at the other, before narrowing his eyes that seemed to contain a spark of mischief "What have YOU done around here, Specs? I am sure playing the piano all day or sitting around being boring has totally helped with the household tasks."

He looked down at himself. Oh..he really was covered with dirt and grass. Maybe reenacting a battle in the park with the dogs was not his best idea before dinner...

Gilbert smirked though, seeing a large clump of mud stuck to one of his pant legs. He reached down and scooped it up quickly and threw it at Roderich, hoping to hit him.
[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-15 11:57 pm (UTC)


Roddy felt his face get hot before he sputtered out his defense, "If you MUST know, i'm the one who does the cleaning when big brother cant... IM the one who takes care of making sure our money isnt going out anywhere and we're spending it in the wisest way possible... and apparently IM the one who makes...."

He was going to mention about the chocolate chip pancakes before he felt the mud graze by the side of his face, splattering against his left frame.

Standing still in shock for a moment, it turned to disgust before he took them off, and proceeded to clean them as best as he could
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 12:07 am (UTC)


Gilbert had not heard any of that, he was too busy pointing and laughing hysterically at Roderich. Sure his really awesome aim didn't seem that awesome today but he would just chalk THAT up to being tired from playing with the dogs. The point was that he DID get mud on Mr. Fancypants and it was too funny!

"Aww you better get out of the kitchen, West would have puppies if YOU get dirt in the food!" he went on. Yes, he had forgotten about the potatoes. Thank goodness it was not a roast or cake or anything like that he was left entrusted with.
[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-16 12:10 am (UTC)


Wiping away the dirt, he looked down and shook his head, "And look at you, do i dare see mud on Big brothers favorite dust pan that you just dropped all over?" he said, before pointing that all the mud he dripped over was indeed all over Ludwigs favorite cleaning tools.

He turned his head waving his hand, "Also, it looks like you arent caring about the task big brother west asked? And you arent intrigued in the fact that i was POSSIBLY thinking of making chocolate chip pancakes for desert?"
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 12:16 am (UTC)


To signal Ludwig's ominous approach was some swearing and loud barking from outside. It got louder and louder and eventually Ludwig stepped into the kitchen, dogs at his feet, and Feliciano slung over his shoulder.

Quietly, Ludwig surveyed the room. The mud on his favorite cleaning tools, the mud on Roderich, the thankful lack of mud in the potato pot.

Right now he's trying not to get extremely angry. It's rude to get extremely angry in front of guests, even if they are slung over your shoulder.
[User Picture]From: [info]pastaitaliano
2010-03-16 12:19 am (UTC)


Feliciano looked over at Gilbert and Roderich, "Ne Ne Deitsu~ Did we miss something with them?"

He looked over and waved from his position on Ludwig's shoulder, his typical grin formin as he did so, "Ousu~! I came to make some food for dinner too for Deitsu~! He hadnt had wurst pizza in a while! the potatoes we can also make into fries~"
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 12:26 am (UTC)


Gilbert was going to launch into an argument with Roderich before his brother had shown up to quell the fires. Though..he didn't look happy, Gilbert just brushed that off as his brother just being himself.

"Puppies!" he cried as he cooed at the dogs again. "Feliciano!!" he cooed at the Italian. "Brother!" he cooed at the serious face.

Yup! He was just going to ignore the anger seeping off his brother AND Austria. He was just that awesome.
[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-16 12:28 am (UTC)


Roderich couldnt help but sigh. Now they had two idiots in the house... literally.

Walking over towards the cleaning tools, he started cleaning up a little of the mud, "Welcome back in Big Brother... Feliciano." he said as he greeted the two that came into the room.

"I'll take care of the mud... if you would like big brother." he said as he nodded his head towards the "burden" on his shoulder.
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 12:33 am (UTC)


Ludwig, unaffected by Gilbert's cooing, set Feliciano down.

"As much as I like visitors," Ludwig began, looking at Gilbert pointedly, "I like them a great deal more if I know that they will be invited before the invitations are sent out."

Yes, Ludwig is well aware what Gilbert did earlier, Feliciano told him a great deal about it.

He went over and checked the pot. For once there was no dirt in it nor was it over boiled.

"G-Gilbert!" Ludwig muttered under his breath. "You actually attended to the pot properly!" Now Ludwig is hopeful because he has proof his older brother isn't completely inept at life!
[User Picture]From: [info]pastaitaliano
2010-03-16 12:39 am (UTC)


Feliciano looked into the pot, "Waaa~ they're looking yummy~ I could easily make theese work well into fries... maybe a good salad..."

as he got moved around the kitchen, he started humming one of his favorite songs, "mmhm hm mhhmhhmhh.. (think the main hetalia theme)" as he started expertly working with the knives and such, helping Ludwig with making an even more extravagant meal.
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 12:48 am (UTC)


Gilbert crept up behind Feliciano "Ahh you are so cute! Helping with dinner!" he cooed. Yes, he was avoiding his brother's scolding for the moment.

"Did you see the potatoes, West? I did a really amazing job of watching them before somebody distracted me from my duties!" he said, pointing at the food. How could he not be praised for this? It was beyond him.

He left Feliciano's side to go stand in front of his brother to collect his praise. Oh yeah, he should probably say something about inviting the Italian. "It was just Feliciano anyway, I was sure you totally wouldn't mind! That aside, I want my reward." he said, holding out his hand to count off his good deeds "I got groceries, I took the dogs for a walk, I watched the food, yeaah the way I see it I deserve something for this!"
[User Picture]From: [info]classicalpiece
2010-03-16 01:24 am (UTC)


Roddy stood there in an almost amazed state of shock. Gilbert? Did something right? and it wasnt just one thing... a few things? And it was on his own?!?

"I swear hell must be freezing over" he muttered a little as he ran his fingers through his hair. He couldnt believe it.

Looking over at Ludwig, he sighed before speaking, "Since it appears that you and Italia are doing dinner... then i guess i can do my best to help out with desert."
[User Picture]From: [info]jeveuxtonamour
2010-03-16 01:39 am (UTC)


Francis opens the door with a little more flair than he would have normally, "Bonjour!" He calls. He steps into the room looking particularly unimpressed with the state of the house -German decorating never was his thing. Popping his head into the kitchen, Francis gives a quick sniff followed by the most dramatic disgust he can muster.

"Oh, what is this smell..." He says and places the wine that was in his hand down on the nearest surface, "I thought surely German cooking would have improved by now." He says with a playful expression, closing his eyes and shrugging.

In any case, Gilbert had invited him out of the blue and while Francis had decided upon request to show up -whether Ludwig knew or not- he decided that being fashionably late really was the sophisticated (and not too eager) thing for a true Frenchman to do.

"And to think you're throwing a party and I only just recently heard about it..." Francis twirls the end of his hair disinterestedly.
[User Picture]From: [info]pastaitaliano
2010-03-16 01:41 am (UTC)


Feliciano looks around as he's cooking to see the familiar person enter the room before he smiled widely. "Aah~ Big brother Franc. Welcome~ " he greeted Francis as he kept cooking, humming to his own tune in a cute innocently like way.
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 02:10 am (UTC)


Ludwig was about to tell Gilbet a long list of things he hadn't done right when Francis walked in.

"Just Feliciano was it?" Ludwig asked Gilbert irritably. "You dirtied my dogs, tracked mud in my house, threw mud at your brother, and invited more guests than you claimed into my home?"

"You, Gilbert," Ludwig grabbed Gilbert before he could move away, "are going to be coming with me for a few minutes!"

And with that Ludwig drug them both outside to hose Gilbert off.
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 02:15 am (UTC)


"West!? WEST? No!" he yelled as he tried to grab onto anything he could as his brother dragged him away.

"It was just Feliciano and Francis! Weeest!" he kept on as the two of them disappeared.