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[Mar. 15th, 2010|08:50 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 02:31 am (UTC)


"I ask a single, simple task of you to walk my dogs around the park," Ludwig frowned, "and they somehow come back covered in mud and not even hosed off!"

"If you were really awesome, you would bring groceries home in a timely manner, you would clean up after yourself, and if you did come back a mess you would not track it all over my house and slug it off on my cleaning tools!" For the record, Ludwig was pissed.

He grabbed the hose and turned it on.

"Since you seem to behave no better than a dog, I am going to wash you like one!"

And now the water was turned on Gilbert, clothed and all.
[User Picture]From: [info]jeveuxtonamour
2010-03-16 02:56 am (UTC)


"Not to interrupt this...ah..." Francis smiles, a combination between amusement and something completely inappropriate for the situation, "moment." He says for lack of a better word, and he pushes his way out into the yard. Francis forgets his thoughts for a quick second to blatantly look Gilbert over, smiling to himself, and continuing.

"But, I don't suppose you'd need any assistance?" He puts his hands on his hips and gives the brothers a smug look -he'd overheard Roderich saying something about dessert and at least Feliciano could cook. Francis had grown accustomed to his home country's tastes, after all. He wasn't sure if he could handle a bland (German) meal and an equally bland (Austrian) dessert. At least the wine would suit him.

"I mean with the food, of course." He adds, tilting his head back a little to look at the two over his nose slightly and gives them the most innocent smile he can despite the situation.
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 03:05 am (UTC)


"W-West! No! Stop!" he got out before he started sputter as water his his face. Gilbert began to wriggle and pull away again. This was humiliating.

Who was that? Oh no, he knew who that was. He looked pitifully towards Francis, his humiliation rising steadily which was in effect, turning to anger. He fought against his brother and the stupid garden hose harder. "Don't you dare fucking say anything Francis. Not one fucking word." he thought while he struggled.

"I can clean myself! I will, just let me GO!" he snapped, before manuvering his legs to try and kick his brother's out from under him.
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 03:10 am (UTC)


For the better or worse, Ludwig is used to dealing with Gilbert and did not lose his perchase when Gilbert kicked his ankle. It did hurt enough that Ludwig let go of Gilbert's collar and the hose. He promptly turned the thing off.

"...Are you done making a fool yourself, mein Bruder?" Ludwig asked. He knew full well that was plenty humiliating.

"Francis, if you don't like the food here, then don't come and complain about it when it is being freely offered." Ludwig was still mad, but it wasn't directed at anything at this time. Be careful Francis.
[User Picture]From: [info]jeveuxtonamour
2010-03-16 10:05 pm (UTC)


"I don't remember saying that I did not like it, just that it could use a little, ah, improvement, non?" Francis says and backs up a little bit into the door of the house -wary of Germany's ill temper.

"Still," and he twirls his hair a little bit as he looks at the brothers, "it would be rude to refuse an invitation, ne c'est-pas~?"
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 11:23 pm (UTC)


Gilbert propped himself up with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. He was soaking wet and now he was getting cold. He glared up at his brother, a bunch of empty threats going through his mind.

He stood up and shook his arms and legs a bit, trying to shake off the excess water before he went back inside. "I think I am going to take a quick shower before dinner..." he grumbled. At least Francis had not said anything, he probably wouldn't considering his brother's current temper. He was sure he would hear about it later though.

He walked past both of them, only offering a few low swears to Francis before giving himself one last shake and entering the house. Gilbert wanted to sop water all over the floor but not too much water...he really would prefer having a last meal before making his brother angrier.
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-16 11:32 pm (UTC)


Ludwig let Gilbert go, he'd been knocked down a few pegs, it would make him more reasonable the rest of the evening (hopefully).

"But wurst is perfect, you can't improve wurst...." Ludwig is a whee bit baised when it comes to his wurst. "Though, I suppose you might have some idea for what to do with that chocolate I have laying about...."
[User Picture]From: [info]jeveuxtonamour
2010-03-17 12:44 am (UTC)


"If I must..." Francis says with a shrug and watches Gilbert move by him -he ignores the curses for now. "Your guests should be able to enjoy something, oui?" He bows into the kitchen and calls over his shoulder a little bit.

"You should be grateful you have big brother around to help you out in this kind of situation. The French really are the best cooks in the world, after all." He purposely lets the chunk of hair he'd curled around his finger go with an extra swish of his head.
[User Picture]From: [info]machtschnell
2010-03-17 01:02 am (UTC)


Rolling his eyes, Ludwig followed. Giving Francis something productive to do would keep him out of trouble and keep the griping down. Not to mention Ludwig really didn't know what to do either.

His only hope now would be that Gilbert didn't get water all over the house. Well, at least water was easy to clean up.

(ooc: Back to the normal thread now.)
[User Picture]From: [info]theworldismine
2010-03-16 03:15 am (UTC)


(ooc: Oh man I am totally awesome at HTML. That struck out bit was supposed to be in italics. Awesome.)