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Lindsey ([info]desolate___0x6) wrote in [info]tattoos,
@ 2008-06-12 15:36:00

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okay, I need your help! I'm getting for my first tattoo on my lower back, not directly in the center, but off to the right. How long do you think the actually work will take? and any tips on taking the pain? I'm pretty scared, but I want this so badly. please and thank youuu!

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2008-06-13 02:43 am UTC (link)
it depends on how big it is.

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2008-06-13 05:59 am UTC (link)
if that's the actual size, it'll take no longer than 15 minutes.

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2008-06-13 05:59 am UTC (link)
oh, that won't hurt at all if you're not getting it colored. color stings, but it's not bad.

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