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p h i n e a s ([info]mcseeker) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-11-20 21:01:00

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Entry tags:elena mclaggen, joy mclaggen, phineas mclaggen, tiberius mclaggen

Finn had really underestimated the hyper activeness of a room full of toddlers.

As Joy let out last of the party stragglers, Finn leaned against the back counter of the kitchen, yawning greatly. Cormac could barely walk, how he and his little friends had managed to run into every room of the house was completely beyond him. There were streamers thrown about every piece of furniture, his cushions were stained with cake and candy-coated handprints, and Finn really didn't want to know about the dirty diaper bin they'd set up in the bathroom.

His nose scrunched as Joy returned, and he lifted his chin to point at their son, who was passed out like a log in a nearly upside down position on the couch. Thankfully everything had been charmed for an extra bounce because of all the little ones running into things, but they should probably move him before he twitched and fell to the ground.

Eh, in a minute.

"That was the wildest party I've ever been to in my life."

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2008-11-21 06:12 am UTC (link)
Finn's head shot toward the front door at the sudden appearance of his brother and family, and---just, perfect. Not even the sarcastic kind of perfect, but the actual, literal, this-was-perfect kind of perfect. He grinned and stopped himself from rolling his eyes at his brother's exclamation.

"Shut up, Tiberius!" Elena hissed from behind, whacking her husband with her bag.

"Hello," Finn called over, acknowledging them before turning back to Joy with a very amused grin. Well. Now that the semi-romantic atmosphere he'd managed to create was gone (well, at least he had found it to be romantic), might as well get to the point. "Tibs is right, again. I'm proposing." Finn tried to put on a serious expression, but he couldn't stop smiling, "Do you want to marry me?"

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2008-11-21 06:22 am UTC (link)
"Uh, no shit I do!"

In her own signature gracelessness, she blurted it out so fast that Joy wasn't even sure that she had thought about it before she did. But it wouldn't have mattered anyway, because her answer would have been no different if she'd had years to think about it. She didn't even know when she'd decided that marriage was no longer scary, but lately the thought was more exciting than frightening. Well---not too exciting, because she knew it'd never happen with Finn, but apparently it was happening with Finn and ohmygodthiswassocool.

Reaching forward, she grabbed Finn's face with both hands and kissed him, hard. As an afterthought, she let go with one hand to wave a distracted hello to her finally-to-be-real in-laws, but the only thing she really cared about right now was how amazing this man was.

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