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zach ([info]zloper) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-06-20 18:30:00

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Zach was not sure what he had done (except he was sure that he hadn't DONE anything so maybe he'd forgotten something but that didn't seem the case) but he headed over to Brianna's as soon as he could find his other shoe. Which wasn't exactly needed, but now that he was a model Zach felt like he needed to look like one most of the time. Zach arrived in Brianna's flat with a pop, looking around carefully so he wouldn't be taken off guard by a smack or something.

He wouldn't put it past her to do something like that - it was times like this that Zach thought she was more Slytherin than he was.

"Hello? Am I still in trouble?"

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2009-06-23 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Oh, right and kicking me out is so mature." Zach rolled his eyes as well but stood his ground. He wasn't leaving now. She had started this fight which really shouldn't have been a fight in Zach's eyes and she wasn't going to just kick him out because she was tired of arguing. No, this needed to be finished and well, there wasn't anywhere for Zach to go.

"You demanded me to come over here and I'm not leaving until we have this settled. I'm not just going to leave. I'm in this too and just because you 'can't do this' right now doesn't mean you get to stop listening to me," Zach stood up a little straighter and frowned at Brianna, "Actually, I don't think you've heard anything I've actually said, you just hear what you think I'm saying which is not what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm fuckin' kind of happy you're pregnant. I didn't ever think I wanted to be a dad and now you - we're having a kid and that's cool. Like I said, I didn't say it would be easy, but it's still cool. A little person to raise and do stuff with, to be a dad to. So, no I'm not going anywhere until you realise what I'm saying to you."

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2009-06-23 05:02 am UTC (link)
She was losing it. She was about to lose it. Brianna could feel her blood pumping through her veins, harder at every word that came out of his mouth. He couldn't just--he couldn't just go, of course not, that would be too EASY! No, he was going to insist on staying and continuing to argue with her and fuck, she had a headache, and she put her head in her hands and sunk to the ground but it wouldn't go away because all she could hear were his words.

HAPPY SHE WAS PREGNANT! He was---it was cool? No, it wasn't cool, they were ninteen fucking years old, it wasn't cool and why couldn't he for one second realize that he was only making this worse! She needed understanding support, not someone standing there telling her that this situation was cool. It was if anything making her feel sicker and sicker about the whole thing because the more he talked the more upset she got.

"GET OUT, ZACH! GET OUT!" she yelled at him, sounding frantic because she felt trapped in this kitchen, like she was trapped in a box and all she could hear in between her own heavy breathing were his words bouncing off the sides and smashing into her head. Over and over and---okay, now she was really freaking out; if he had thought she was freaked out before, he didn't know what freaked out was. "GET OUT!"

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