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dianna d. dobbs ([info]babyd) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-06-23 10:59:00

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Entry tags:patrick vance


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2009-06-24 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

Patrick pushed his sunglasses further up his nose, eying the little girl curiously behind the shades. What did she think she was going to do, really? He didn't think that the other witch was right in calling her that filthy name, not at all, but causing a disruption in the middle of the street was not going to end well. It would only attract the wrong kind of attention; people around here weren't too keen on helping the less pure, he could say.

He lifted his gaze to watch the witch walk away, and wondered briefly how she'd been able to tell the girl was of 'lesser' lineage. Did muggleborns and the like have a certain smell? That would definitely explain the scrunched up noses of those in the high society, but Patrick was willing to bet that the witch was, well, just a snotty bitch and felt like passing along some of her hate. Isn't that what they all needed? More hate?

"Letting her be the miserable wench she is far more of a punishment than a little thing like you could give her," he said with a chuckle. Patrick rolled up his sleeves a little more; he needed to get to Twilfit and Tattings for his final fitting for Giada's wedding.

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2009-06-25 04:55 am UTC (link)
No one called her that... name. At least, not to her face, for although she made no secret of her Muggle lineage, for the day that Delana Dobbs was ashamed of anything related to herself would be a day far, far from today, this was the first time she had felt shaken. At school she was a veritable ruler, royalty, and now she was the rising queen. At home she was the adorable youngest girl that her parents and brothers treated her like the princess that she was; so you see, the girl was raised to believe that she was supposed to have preferential treatment! Or at the very least, she deserved respect.

Although she was a bit of a volatile young woman if she felt that occasion called for it (and being called such a deplorable name deserved to be shown her full wrath), Delana was indeed a Ravenclaw at heart, and at the man's words, she felt her anger deflate a little. Because really, what was she going to do? She couldn't use wand magic at the moment, she was still underage and it would be a long three months until she would turn seventeen. She could dash after the horrid crone and give her tongue lashing that wouldn't fall short of epic; the Dobbs girl's ability to deliver the most wicked of tongue lashings became the stuff of legend.

She straightened up to her full height; the throb of pain at her stomach fading. It wouldn't do any good to lose any more face nor dignity in front of this man. "No, I quite agree with you on that," she said, her tone considerably less clipped and sharp than before. She gave a shrug, a pretty gesture. "Though haven't you wondered how crones like that manage to sense out who's pure and who's not? A sixth sense that Muggleborns like me lack, I suppose?" The words were spoke flippantly, for any lingering sense of anger was now fading in the presence of this kind-faced man.

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