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Franziska Dolohov ([info]frenzy_franzy) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-07-15 23:26:00

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Entry tags:bertram aubrey, franziska dolohov, group

Open!!! Franzy's (and Darwin's!!) Wedding!
Don't forget to breathe.  Don't forget to breathe.  Do not forget to breathe.

The mantra repeated in Franziska's head ever since she arrived at Eastnor.  There was a small scare in the dressing room when she did forget to breathe and then she almost fainted.  She was then order to sit in front of the vanity and just focus on breathing while her bridesmaids took care of everything else. 

The next biggest step was actually making it down the aisle.  She really didn't expect that many people to show up. She supposed that's what happens when you marry a rockstar.  At least it was a more relaxed setting than most traditional weddings.   Franzy walked down the center of tables that were scattered about, the cakes set up on the far right and the band on the far left.  That way once the wedding was over the party could start right off.

Everything was gorgous.  Just the way she planned.  Franzy looked stunning in her gown (as she knew she would).  Miranda and other bridesmaids looked amazing in their dresses.  And Darwin.  Franzy let out an uncounsious sigh when she first saw him.  And now that she was standing there holding his hands waiting to repeat her vow she didn't worry as much about this working.  Because it was going to work.  After all her freaking out and everything, he still looked at her like she was the most amazing thing in the world.  She was going to say her vows and everything was going to be just perfect.

ooc1:  All the pictures are here  so you don't have to click individual links :]

ooc 2:
ok honestly idk what will happen (bertram showing up naked and all lmao that's really happening yes?)  so  lets wait on lettie i suppose and then its a free for all?    i just wanted to get this up idk   whatever works works lol

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2009-07-21 03:59 am UTC (link)
Okay Franzy was weak. She couldn't keep herself away once she saw him naked once again. She was really surprised she lasted as long as she did. And if she was really honest with herself, she really didn't get married anyways. It was nice... but really, he proposed in a journal... after a one-night (two or three night?) stand that was plastered over the papers.

It would of never lasted.

And if she was really truly honest with herself, (which she never was or ever will be) the only reason she went along with it was to make Bertram jealous.

"I will concede that I am a right bitch and your arse is not flabby or awful, but reserve the right to think you're a bastard and still the best lay I've had."

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2009-07-21 04:14 am UTC (link)
He resisted the urge to open his mouth while she was speaking, knowing that he'd probably just end up closing it dumbly (it had happened a handful of times already, for the most part with Franzy, so he had experience on his side this time).

He crossed his arms over his chest and puffed out a little, quite pleased with her words.

"Fine, fair enough. Were you actually going to marry that skinny puppet-thing?" His eyes were like soulless black beads.

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2009-07-21 04:40 am UTC (link)
Franzy just shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't even count the number of times she almost called off the wedding. "Honestly?" more than likely "I don't know. It wouldn't have lasted... would have been a mistake. He was too nice to me."

Oh merlin. All of this was so wrong. She was kissing her ex when she was suppose to be marrying another man. An ex she convinced herself she could win back and now it was clear that he didn't want her. The look in his eyes told her that. She really had set a new low for herself.

"I---I just--- I'm sorry, Bertram. I just thought--- I-- I've got to go." And with that she apparated away.

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