Billie Trimble
10 November 1979 @ 04:40 am
It probably would have been a fairly good idea to give Sebastian Goldstein some sort of warning before apparating to the house he shared with Mackenzie, but Evan was not in the mood for biting remarks from the Gryffindor. There was something in the back of his mind that told him that if he had so much as mentioned a face to face meeting, there was a good possibility that Sebastian would decline, and tell him that there was no good reason for them to sit down and have a little chat. Then again, Evan had no idea what the guy was like, since he didn’t ever bother taking the time to get to know him. He didn’t care enough. But, to save time and energy just incase that was indeed the reaction he would get, the blonde Slytherin decided to make a surprise house call. Whether or not Mackenzie was home didn’t matter. He was actually hoping she wouldn’t be for this, since he did want to talk to her husband alone for a few minutes. He wasn’t planning on staying long, but it all depended on how long this was going to take.

Slipping his wand into the inner pocket of his suit, since he had just arrived from work, he raised a hand to knock on the door. It was loud enough for someone to hear on the inside, but he was hardly banging it down. Dropping his hand back down, he slid his hands into his pocket and took the chance to look around. He was inwardly scowling about how Mack deserved so much better than this. Even if it was a very nice house, he wouldn’t let himself admit it, just because of who it belonged to. To anyone who didn’t know Evan, he probably looked completely unaffected by this not so little rumor that was flying about, but anyone who had graduated in the year of ’77 in the house of Slytherin could see the signs that he most definitely was. The way he kept shifting his jaw, the way his shoulders were more tense than usual; little things like that.

His grey eye had been focused on a nearby dying plant, but his full attention turned back to the door once he saw movement out of his blue one. He wordlessly stared at Sebastian Goldstein for a good moment or two before cocking his head just slightly to the side. “Hello Sebastian.” There was a small pause before he spoke again. “I believe you and I need to have a talk.” His words were spoken calmly, explaining his reasons for being there. He was just hoping to have a…civilized conversation with the man.