Andrea "Drea" Johnson
17 December 1979 @ 08:18 pm
Posted in Common Rooms )
timothy g. greengrass
17 December 1979 @ 08:34 pm
Today was December 17th.

Now--nothing special had ever happened on this day before, in years past, but today was supposed to be different. Today was supposed to be life changing and today it was supposed to be the best day of his and Adamina's lives--

Well, the healers had said that due dates weren't always precise.

The day had come and gone, and now Tim was attempting to fall asleep with his still very pregnant wife by his side. The past nine months had been building up to this day, and Daphne was still quite comfortably set inside of Mina. Part of Tim was a bit relieved that he had another day to go without having the weight of being a father on his shoulders, but that just reminded him it was another day of anticipation and worry and concern that they had everything and---and it was just ridiculous.

Adding onto the fact that he'd gotten nothing but death glares and angry insults thrown at him since he started working on the muggleborn housing complexes. At first Tim would attempt to defend himself, telling people (and some of his friends!) that it was his job and he needed to do it, but now it was just overwhelming to try and fight back so he just stayed silent and---the guilt was being to hurt, a lot. Tim never liked stepping on people's toes, and here he was, building flats that were going to break up families and--it made him sick.

He hadn't been able to sleep, but laid with his eyes shut so to not worry his wife. He did feel sleep coming on, but a noise in the--one eye opened and Tim listened again; was that noise in his dream or...was he going crazy?