e s t e l l a
11 June 1980 @ 07:41 pm
Estella had never felt so many things at once.

Anger that led into depression that led into a desire for hope that gave her some sort of faith which made her happy that then just turned around and made her realize she'd messed everything up, and around and around her circle of emotions went. Estella clung to the extra pillow on the hospital bed, her face having been pressed into it since the healers had left. She was sure nothing was wrong with her or the baby, but a panic attack was never good for anyone, so she hadn't fought Caden's insistence. It had been so long since she'd had a full blown attack, so he'd found her seated in a pile of tulle and tutus, breathing into a brown paper bag to try and regulate her breaths.

She was such a stupid mess.

Sniffling, Estella listened for Caden's movements, not having said much since she'd been calmed down. She felt terribly guilty for her last comments to him, but at the same time it was sort of---it felt sort of good to finally get out what she'd been feeling these past five months. He hadn't even felt the baby kick, which---well they were still light kicks, but the attempts to feel weren't really there and---maybe Dolores had done something right.

"Ugh," she let out at the thought, but also because the inside of her stomach had been jabbed quite hard in the side. Estella frowned and pushed her hand against the spot, "Not so hard," she muttered.
adrian • m o n t a g u e
11 June 1980 @ 09:52 pm
This was the absolute last thing Adrian wanted to be doing.

He didn't hate Grayson, he didn't. Adrian found his brother-in-law more than amusing, and quite brilliant in his very sadistic manners. He was vital to the Dark Lord's army, and Adriand respected that. Grayson was just so damn irritating. No one had ever rubbed Adrian has badly as the man had, and in all the years he'd known him, it had always been the same. Since he was a child, Adrian had been seventeen when he'd officially met Grayson. Of course, that had been at Daniella's wedding to his older brother, so everyone had been in sour spirits.

Adrian rapped his fingers on the table, eyes nearly hidden under the rim of his hat. His plans for Grayson were simple, but with the man's recent involvement with the demise (or near?) of one of Dumbledore's finest, Adrian was sure that he would take interest in a chance at revenge.

His hand raised slowly at the sight of Grayson, in a mediocre greeting.
11 June 1980 @ 10:31 pm
Who: Ally and Sam Davies
What: Ally has some news to share!
Where: Davies abode
When: A few days/weeks ago?
Status: Finishing in comments?

We need to talk )