rebecca c. abercrombie
27 August 1980 @ 12:24 am
Who: Rebecca Corner and Euan Pamplemoss
What: A thank-you dinner gets a little handsy!
Where: Corner residence!
When: Last week?

'Oh, my dear Rebecca, of course I could never have let more harm come to you!' )
m i r a n d a
27 August 1980 @ 07:46 pm
Who: Miranda Parry and Ralph Frobisher
What: Miranda's having a rough time with everything :'( But then they get happy!
Where: Ralph's dorm!

Don't cry---You shouldn't--- it's not--- please eat cake? )
Emmet Belby
27 August 1980 @ 11:41 pm
Owl to Clara Belby  
Owl to Clara )