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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-04 19:19:00

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Entry tags:edward pennifold, emmeline vance, owl

Owl to Edward Pennifold

I've grown tired of the journals and I'm bored because Alice is finding all of Neville's eggs for him--. How was your Easter? Where would you like to go to lunch tomorrow?

- Emmeline

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2010-04-05 01:38 am UTC (link)

Does that mean you were forced to hear embarrassing stories repeated about you for the hundredth time? Because I fear that's how the MacMillan dinner will be for me, tonight. I've had fun with all of my friends' infant children not really hunting for eggs!

We should try a muggle place. It could be a sandwich shoppe but still an experience because it's muggle.

- Emmeline

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2010-04-05 02:17 am UTC (link)

Oh, luckily no. This year was mainly focused on my brother's children, so no one was particularly interested in talking about me. Which I have found I actually enjoyed.

Muggle sandwiches sounds great. I always look forward to going into muggle london, so many interesting things are there to look at.


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