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you hear it first. ([info]thenewstoday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-06-14 07:48:00

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Entry tags:aberforth dumbledore, alice longbottom, benjy fenwick, edgar bones, emmeline vance, frank longbottom, group, james potter, lily potter, order of the phoenix, ralph frobisher, remus lupin

Order of the Phoenix
It was best to take matters into his own hands. The Order of the Phoenix had been infiltrated, and to calm the nerves of its members, Albus was going to meet with each one to manage a questioning of sorts. Auror Longbottom had used the word 'interrogation' but until he could find answers, Albus was going to believe in the group he had put together. While he wasn't naive, he did know how easily people could be corrupted, he had faith in the members of the Order, knowing that they had all always shown great strength when it came to making choices between right and wrong.

He sent out a patronus to one member at a time, not wanting to create a crowd in the house for that would only cause to build more tension. Dumbledore knew that the war did not seem to be turning in their favor, but while he was a man who loved to find answers, he always had a faith that would allow him to do so. He sat in the kitchen area, going over some final reports that his professors had finished while he waited for the next Order member to arrive.

The tentative footsteps approached the table and Dumbledore kept his head bowed for a moment before lifting his gaze up to meet the next Order member.

"Have a seat. Would you like a lemon drop?" He pushed the candy dish across the table.

OOC: OKAY! If you guys don't know, some of the Order's secrets have been leaked. Liz had helped set up a secret entrance into Diagon Alley behind the ice cream parlor, but during the attack Frank found that death eaters were waltzing through it.

This thread is meant to be a narrative of sorts for the individual Order members, and to move the traitor plots along. The post doesn't have to be epically long or anything of course! If your character has no idea what's going on, just have them say that---its meant for the Order to voice their frustrations with how the war is going and how they feel about being in the Order.

We really want everyone to try and get something said here, because this is a big turning point in the game! The Order is now legit scared about being betrayed. If you want some ideas about what Dumbledore might ask your character(s), don't be afraid to ask me! But really--he's just trying to slyly get information, and if he has his doubts (he IS concerned about Remus, so if your character has any relationship with him, you could use that) about anything you should bring that up. And, it's easy enough to make it seem like your character IS the traitor too, by leaving information out or however else you deem fit. He'll be trying to egg people on too, to get them to say that maybe yeah, they have mentioned things in the past etc. etc.

WHATEVER you guys are smart, have fun with this! Except not because this is sad D;

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2010-06-16 08:14 pm UTC (link)
Upon receiving Dumbledore's patronus, Remus immediately dismissed it with a quick cut of his wand. He had no time for dealing with things like that, not to mention if anyone here saw he was in contact with the outside world, let alone through a patronus, then his whole cover would be blown. A few quick glances over his back proved that no one else had seen the message. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm his thoughts. The full moon was approaching, leaving fewer and fewer hours of subdued thought. Remus at least knew this: taking time for an impromptu chat with Dumbledore would not make it on the short list of things to do. Or even the long list, for that matter. Concerning the war, there were other things Remus could attend to.

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