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gabriel l. corner ([info]coverstory) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-08-05 12:46:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, bertram aubrey, brier stebbins, danielle rookwood, donovan rookwood, elizabeth fortescue, gabriel corner, grayson wilkes, group, hamilton nott, mackenzie goldstein, miranda frobisher, noah boot, ralph frobisher, sarah stebbins, tiberius mclaggen

Gabriel was silently wording his opening lines for the next segment of news when the lights dropped. He lifted his head in a curious manner, having been standing away from the news desk and wondering if it was just a backdrop thing. It wasn't exactly peculiar, there had been men working on the spells earlier this week which had caused the lighting charms to flicker and crackle. He let out a breath and stood where he was, watching as nearly everyone around him performed lumos with their wands. Gabriel supposed he should as well, and wondered if this sort of incident would mess up the wireless airwaves. He didn't know much about the magic behind the WWN, but he supposed those who did would fix things.

He muttered to his assistant that he was going to go into the corridor to see if it was only their studio that had gone out, and she quickly skittered away to find the snack trays. Gabriel let out a breath, sighing at the thought of having to stay at work later because of this delay. He had dinner plans for Rachel and the children, he did not need the annoyance of pushing back reservations. As he pushed out into the hallway, he let out a groan at the darkness. His wand was soon out and he felt awfully tired, frustrated that his day was going to be spent in near darkness.

"Do you have light?" he called out to a figure down the hall, noticing a brighter light than that of a normal lit wand. "The spells have gone out over here, it's pitch---"

Why had he been so languid in his movements just now? Darkness overcoming the WWN studios? In the middle of Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley, which was the near breeding ground for death eater attacks. Gabriel wished he had the mindset to jump to the worst possible conclusion, but the spell the cloaked death eater shot off sliced him across the side of the head, knocking him out cold and to the ground.

If he didn't die today, right now, Rachel was going to kill him.

OOC: OKAY! Magical places affected: Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, St. Mungo's, The Ministry! The weather is terrible outside all of these places! Death Eaters are already THERE ready to get in and out as fast as possible! Lighting spells are down, candles won't be lit (all of these places had 'workers' messing with them earlier that were really death eaters foiling them. HOME INVASIONS---many wizards live in muggle areas, so they COULD be using electricity, and so on. SO....I will add with any other info/questions, just...GO :O Narratives are super welcome :O

It's for Friday! But Leigh is leaving tonight annnd I know we all work/have plans so. YOU KNOW HOW I AM :)

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2010-08-05 03:27 pm UTC (link)
Sarah tried not to lean too far over the counter, in fear that her elbows would slip and she'd clunk her chin into the wood. It was hard not to, though, because Brier had stopped by the Three Broomsticks before picking up his son, and he was talking to her. He had helped her out so much with the visa situation and then he'd shown up for a little bit at the Equinox book release (which had thankfully not been affected by the new ministry rulings---) and then he'd invited her to his friend's baby's party!

Phew, that was a whole lot of stuff to be smiley about.

Sarah listened excitedly as Brier talked about his day (she had asked! Being a solicitor was so interesting to her!), grinning widely as he went on. The weather outside was awful, but hopefully it would clear up enough for him to pick up Rory without much of a mess. And maybe she could take her break around the same time and just casually offer to walk down the street to the daycare with him! That would work splendidly!

"I really would love a job in the Ministry," she said, but before she could the lights above their heads dimmed out quickly. All the flames of the candles were blown as the wind from outside threw the front doors of the restaurant open. Sarah frowned, jumping back from the counter to hurry around and shut the doors, "Looks like we're not in Kansas any---"

Her joke was lost as some of the patrons leaped out of their seats and began to scream. Sarah had no idea what could be causing such a commotion, but the cry of death eaters made her freeze in place. What--what---her eyes caught sight of the cloaked figures through the windows and she gasped in shock, "Shut the doors!"

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2010-08-09 01:29 pm UTC (link)
Brier had no idea why he was going on and on about his work, really it wasn't that interesting but she'd asked about it and now he found that he couldn't stop, even though he was making his boss look like a jerk and while Brady might be that wasn't really the impression he should give her but there really was no backtracking when his mouth was just going and he really didn't even know what he was talking about at this point, explaining some form that you had to fill out in order to get other forms and when he was done with the explanation, Brier looked a little embarrassed that he'd explained that all.

"They could always use secretaries - " Brier was about to explain when the lights dimmed and he spun around at the screams. No. NO NO NO! This was like last year and he was away from Rory. Brier rushed up behind Sarah and tried to push past her, "No, let me out, I have to get Rory."

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2010-08-09 11:55 pm UTC (link)
Rory! His baby! Sarah watched as Brier rushed by her and---he couldn't go out there! There were death eaters out there! She froze in place, knowing that it was all too risky to go out there and down the road to the day care. But--they wouldn't hurt babies, right?

Sarah wanted to hit herself as she forgot where she worked. The Three Broomsticks, whose owners and daughter had been slain for no reason at all.

Without thinking any further (she didn't do that much, think before she did anything---it explained a lot), Sarah rushed after Brier into the street, turning around only to lock the doors of the Three Broomsticks to give the customers inside some sort of fighting chance. Oh--oh, Berk was going to kill her if she didn't die in the streets.

She didn't call out after him, she didn't want to be a distraction, but Sarah ran as fast as she could to catch up to Brier, clinging onto his arm to pull him toward the buildings to create some sort of cover.

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