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gabriel l. corner ([info]coverstory) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-08-05 12:46:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, bertram aubrey, brier stebbins, danielle rookwood, donovan rookwood, elizabeth fortescue, gabriel corner, grayson wilkes, group, hamilton nott, mackenzie goldstein, miranda frobisher, noah boot, ralph frobisher, sarah stebbins, tiberius mclaggen

Gabriel was silently wording his opening lines for the next segment of news when the lights dropped. He lifted his head in a curious manner, having been standing away from the news desk and wondering if it was just a backdrop thing. It wasn't exactly peculiar, there had been men working on the spells earlier this week which had caused the lighting charms to flicker and crackle. He let out a breath and stood where he was, watching as nearly everyone around him performed lumos with their wands. Gabriel supposed he should as well, and wondered if this sort of incident would mess up the wireless airwaves. He didn't know much about the magic behind the WWN, but he supposed those who did would fix things.

He muttered to his assistant that he was going to go into the corridor to see if it was only their studio that had gone out, and she quickly skittered away to find the snack trays. Gabriel let out a breath, sighing at the thought of having to stay at work later because of this delay. He had dinner plans for Rachel and the children, he did not need the annoyance of pushing back reservations. As he pushed out into the hallway, he let out a groan at the darkness. His wand was soon out and he felt awfully tired, frustrated that his day was going to be spent in near darkness.

"Do you have light?" he called out to a figure down the hall, noticing a brighter light than that of a normal lit wand. "The spells have gone out over here, it's pitch---"

Why had he been so languid in his movements just now? Darkness overcoming the WWN studios? In the middle of Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley, which was the near breeding ground for death eater attacks. Gabriel wished he had the mindset to jump to the worst possible conclusion, but the spell the cloaked death eater shot off sliced him across the side of the head, knocking him out cold and to the ground.

If he didn't die today, right now, Rachel was going to kill him.

OOC: OKAY! Magical places affected: Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, St. Mungo's, The Ministry! The weather is terrible outside all of these places! Death Eaters are already THERE ready to get in and out as fast as possible! Lighting spells are down, candles won't be lit (all of these places had 'workers' messing with them earlier that were really death eaters foiling them. HOME INVASIONS---many wizards live in muggle areas, so they COULD be using electricity, and so on. SO....I will add with any other info/questions, just...GO :O Narratives are super welcome :O

It's for Friday! But Leigh is leaving tonight annnd I know we all work/have plans so. YOU KNOW HOW I AM :)

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2010-08-08 12:15 am UTC (link)
Adrian felt as if he had jumped out of his own skin; this new person's sudden presence jolted him into a new state of shock and panic that he hadn't previously felt. Where had he come from? Brows high, Adrian gripped his wand tight. While attempting to calm himself he jerkily began to move his legs forward. Though, he stopped after a few steps out.

A back way out where? Onto another street? Going onto the streets wasn't a very good idea. While this darkness was not ideal, out on the street was even less so. Adrian began to shake his head. Obviously this other man was not a death eater, but that still didn't change the fact he had no idea who he was, and therefore there was still the issue of entrusting for others to make decisions including his life in unstable times like this one.

"I don't think---" Adrian started in an unassuming tone, now having completely come to a stop. Not thinking of how rude it would be, he raised his wand to get a better view of his new companion. This was very strange. Giving a weary glance over his shoulder, he shook his head at the sounds becoming louder outside. "Are you sure?"

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2010-08-08 10:59 pm UTC (link)
Noah stopped for only a second to look back at the random stranger whose life he was going to save. He didn't want to follow him? Fine. Noah let out a shrug and continued through the hallway of the planetarium. The back entrance to the building led out to a muggle street, and the second he got out there he was going to crack, get out of there. Fine! He was going to be fine, he was going to get back home to Odette and the kids, and---

"Fuck," Noah let out, his hand on the door. He couldn't just leave. What if the death eaters got through the wards on the door? One, he'd have a dead body he'd have to clean the blood stains out when everything opened again and---two, he'd feel really, really guilty for leaving him behind.

Noah ran back, looking around for the stranger, wondering if he'd begun to wander. His wand was lit again, and he winced at the flashing colors through the row of doors leading into the planetarium. "Hey! HEY! Come on! My wife's gonna kill me if I die in here so---come on!"

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2010-08-09 12:04 am UTC (link)
His gut instinct about this man had been right--- completely unreliable. Had he actually just shrugged at him as he ran away? What kind of person did that in the middle of war time! In Portugal no one would have ever done that. Someone would have at least tried to help you a little before running off. But no, all he gets is-- is-- this was one of those times where Adrian was a firm believer in karma.

Pulling his lips in tight, Adrian attempted to bring himself back to the issue at hand; finding a good place to lay low until the fighting outside was broken up. That would be the safest thing to do at this point, most definitely. So keeping his wand raised high, Adrian began to look for stairs to lead either up or down. He had found stairs and got halfway up them when he heard shouting again.

Oh, so he had returned? How thoughtful. Adrian had half a mind to stay where he was. But, of course, staying alive did override that a bit. Jumping back down the stairs, he gave the man another weary look. He would say the biting comment he had on the tip of his tongue for later.

"Is it safe?" Adrian asked quickly as he started to follow anyway.

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2010-08-10 01:34 am UTC (link)
"Yes it's safe, I wouldn't have gone back there in the first----"

Noah ducked as the glass of the front doors of the planetarium burst and shattered, rays of spells, jinxes, and hexes shooting in from the street. Holy shit, holy shit, they were actually going to come in here! Noah felt his body seize with stress and fear, knowing full well that the little dueling experience he had would do nothing against angry death eaters. Noah's breathing became sharp and quick, and he jolted again as a door burst off its hinges. No, no, they were coming in, why would they want to come in, what would they want with a bunch of space toys and astronomers and---

"GET DOWN!" Noah shouted, as a rather burly death eater hurled a crackling purple hex down the hallway he and the random stranger had just started down. Noah gave the much larger man a shove and let out a howl as the spell hit his shoulder, spinning him around and into the wall.

Dizzy, dizzy, everything was shaking and fuzzy and he tried to wobble forward, mumbling and muttering as the spell had been some twisted form of the confundus, "Jupiter's in the---Terry doesn't like----It's moons are---Odette's got---Anna's my---" Noah faltered, slipping back and down against the wall.

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2010-08-10 03:12 am UTC (link)
What was happening! What was happening--- so many different things were occurring at once that Adrian could not keep up. The glass was breaking, they were running, there were spells, his heart was beating faster than it ever had before; his head was pounding, making it feel impossible to understand. Just a few second ago he had been fine... relatively anxious, but fine! Now, however--

Adrian let out an instinctive shout to his new companion, watching as he flew out of what little light source they had produced. Wait-- wait--- no, this couldn't happen, the man had come back for him, meaning they were both going to get out, because no way his career was ending here of all places because he died in a riot. Fumbling up from the ground, Adrian jerked his wand to turn the light off. The death eaters were getting closer, but maybe he had enough time to reach and get---

Just as he took one step to the side, another purple spell hit Adrian straight in the back, sending him flying to the other side of the room. Disoriented, his sight spun, until he landed head first into a corner of the room. Pain erupted from his back, feeling as if he had been shoved into an awkward box. But that didn't last too long as he quickly drifted into unconsciousness.

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