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Tristan Bardera ([info]chasingquixotic) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-09-15 14:40:00

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Entry tags:psyke bardera, tristan bardera

Tristan knew that it was a terrible idea to just show up unannounced, but -- well, he'd said he was going to go and visit Psyke, but he'd been waiting for her to invite him. Her brother going through his divorce was going to be hard on the bloke, and he didn't want to apparate into the middle of something awkwardly and say something wrong.

Being hated by the family that you were supposed to be (eventually, okay!) involved with was probably not in his best interests.

But. But! It had been months since Psyke had moved, and he didn't really do anything outside of practice quidditch and go home to sleep (Merlin, maybe he ought to get a cat or something...). That just made Psyke's absence even more obvious, and he'd had enough of it.

He huffed out a breath of air and glanced down at his watch. It was almost verging on late, and it had started to rain... this was a perfect mess, was what it was. He took a breath and lifted his hand up to knock on the door.

Hopefully Psyke was going to answer, or this was just going to be awful.

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2010-09-16 11:10 pm UTC (link)
This was really all going a lot faster than he'd been anticipating that it would. He was glad to be here with Psyke, though, and that was what mattered.

...and they were alone, which was also ... good.

"It's okay!" He said hurriedly, giving her a pat on the hand. "Uh, I mean. Did you eat, or...?"

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2010-09-16 11:56 pm UTC (link)
She pulled back and gave a sideways sort of grin. He was always so concerned. Psyke liked it. She liked the feeling of having someone constantly watching out for her, hoping for the best for her. It had been hard to accept, at first, because Psyke had been so sure that she was never going to find someone that would love her like this again, but there he was.

"I ate," she said with a nod. Psyke scrunched her face with a pleased smile and let the silence of the house fall. Her hands played with the hair at the base of his neck, "Are you hungry?"

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2010-09-17 12:03 am UTC (link)
"Good. No, I'm not hungry." He'd eaten before he'd come over, because he was fairly certain that if he hadn't then he'd have thrown up on her doorstep or something.

Now he had a different sort of hunger, but he didn't want to push Psyke for something. He knew things were strange, having her widowed and all...and he didn't want to go too far. Still. She seemed eager enough, so he gave her hand a small squeeze.

"I'm pretty tired, though."

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2010-09-17 12:24 am UTC (link)
Psyke blinked, her eyebrows going high. "Tristan Bardera."

She slunk closer to him, pressing her body against his. He had come at a bad time, hair-wise (it was thrown up in a very terrible, messy bun at the top of her head), but her pajamas were quite nice. A tight top with rather easy to remove bottoms...he was adorable when he was so chivalorous and concerned, but to be honest. She hadn't had sex since she'd left England, and now her very handsome, hot quidditch boyfriend was standing very close to her. And his hair was wet. How could he get any sexier?

"Did you come all the way over here to take a nap?"

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2010-09-17 12:35 am UTC (link)
"Well, that wasn't what I intended. Er." He brought his hand to her hip and rubbed his thumb over the strip of skin he easily exposed when he moved the material of the tight top.

In reality, he'd been trying to tell her that he wanted to go upstairs without being too forward about it. "I came over to see you, remember?"

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2010-09-17 01:01 am UTC (link)
She smiled at his very good answer and kissed him soundly. Oh, it felt so, so good to finally be back with him. Psyke made a quick mental note to find Alex a house and get that boy back on track because he was definitely being a major blockage of many things in her life. Sure, she'd come out to Greece to help Alex adjust, but it was just as much for him as it was for her and Lavender. The first year of her daughter's life had been hard, but Lav was the happiest little girl she'd ever known, and Psyke was feeling better with life, and---everything that had been given to her she cherished.

"No more talking," she muttered into his mouth.

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