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bree & nate ([info]dawlishes) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-03-12 19:46:00

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Entry tags:bree dawlish, nate dawlish

Bree otpb!!
Nate yawned and pushed his way into the living room, two plates of cake balanced in his left arm and two glasses of juice, a bottle of mixed nuts in his right hand with several other snacks just in case. One could never know what a pregnant lady would want to eat or munch on. It was better to be prepared but it was probably going to be for not since no one could ever predict the cravings of a pregnant Bree.

"Here you go, love, white cake with extra thick icing and fake strawberries and preserves in the middle and a dentist appointment for me tommorow," Nate laughed, as he sat down carefully next to his wife and nudged Amadaeus away from their snacks with his knee.

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2008-03-13 08:08 am UTC (link)
Nate ran a hand over his stomach where he had hidden a few snacks under his shirt and smiled. "This here? This is chasing after four very unruly auror trainees. Well, they are behaved when they need to be. Let me tell you, that brother of yours, he is either the ring leader or the instigator, but still involved in running us oldies around. Whatever it is, I think they need a prank pulled on them. They are getting a little too complacent but they are nearing the end of their training so it has to be soon, yeah?"

He took a large bite of the cake, just to get some before Bree finished hers and he offered his piece to her. It wasn't that he was selfish, he would give anything to her, he just wanted a taste. And sure, it was kind of piggish, bu he was used to fighting Toby for food. Nate nodded and spoke with a mouth full, "Anf, yah, lunch time football."

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2008-03-13 12:51 pm UTC (link)
"Will? An instigator? Never..." Bree teased, scrunching her nose in thanks at the extra piece of cake. "He used to switch our shoes around so we thought that like...Deidra wasn't allowed near Caitlin's closet, so when Caitie found her shoes in Dee's...well."

Bree's lips pursed again, swirling some frosting around her finger. "Well, Erin usually got caught in the middle, actually. And then I'd find Will snickering in the corner---so, yes, he's probably causing the ruckus."

She'd have never thought her brother to be an auror, but maybe everything with Alan and, well--who knew, maybe he looked up to Nate, he did seem to like him (and that was saying something, for Will)---maybe Will was turning a new leaf with things. Though, really, becoming an auror and getting married so young, it was a bit difficult to swallow--

"What kind of prank would it be?"

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2008-03-14 05:00 am UTC (link)
"Something that doesn't involve shoes, that is for sure. He will see that coming a mile away," Nate mused, tapping his fork on his plate and giving her a thoughtful look. Really, he wasn't quite sure what the dynamic was between the Longbottoms and Will, and the poor quiet bloke that no one ever remembered his name was just stuck there in the middle. It was not a friendly one, that was for sure. Nate didn't quite understand it though.

"Definitely something very embarrassing but quite inside-jokey. Maybe we'll turn them into baby ducks to follow Moody around for a day. I think they all would love that. Speaking of ducks, what do you think about ducks for the nursery? Or a jungle theme?"

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2008-03-14 02:17 pm UTC (link)
She laughed much harder than she should've at the thought of the ducklings, and Bree covered her mouth before she managed to spit all of the cake across the room. Bree watched Scott toddle in, looking very serious with his farm animals in his arms.

"Mmm," she said, stretching out her legs for a moment, toes pushing over Scott's tractor. "Maybe baby animals, it could do transitions."

Oh, as if she hadn't thought about this. Bree had been very involved in Luciana and Milo's nurseries and had been collecting ideas for her own. She and Nate had, well, it was more like they'd stopped trying to not get pregnant, and it was a rather short time after she'd stopped taking the potions when she got pregnant. Again, not that she'd known, but. Not the problem now.

"Like---one corner starts off on a farm," at the word 'farm' Scott sat up, looking over and interested, "and then slowly fade into the jungle, then maybe underwater...I have sketches," she admitted, blushing slightly. Everything was going to be perfect.

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2008-03-17 06:56 am UTC (link)
Nate watched Scott play with his toys, glad to offer a foot to the operation as a bit of fencing for the cows and nodded. He liked that idea, it would give lots of things to look at, and Scott would definitely have fun helping, "I like it. You should let me see the sketches and we can go shopping this weekend for supplies and stuff."

He nodded and then set his snack on the side table before reaching forward and scooping Scott up into his arms, nestling him and the cow he was clutching between himself and Bree, "What do you think Scott?"

The boy blinked at Bree and then nodded before turning his attention back to his toy. Nate laughed and ruffled his hair. "What have we thought of for names again? What about Moira? Kelly Moira."

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