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Grayson Wilkes ([info]glovesmandatory) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-11-15 00:26:00

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Entry tags:grayson wilkes, ophelia wilkes

Ophelia, my dear.
In the past year, Grayson Wilkes had had a lot of time to himself to think. Granted, most of that time had been spent having something of a psychotic break -- but the last month or so, he'd just been thinking. His brother was dead -- by his own hand -- and his family was more on the rocks than they'd been in years. He'd spent a good deal of time regretting Amery's death, but the fact was ... if he hadn't ended his brother's life, their entire family would've suffered even more than they were suffering now. It had been a long, hard road to this conclusion, but he had to believe it.

None of this silly regressing bullshit: he was the only son of the family now, and he needed to pull himself together. Continuing to wallow was just going to drag his family through the mud again, and that wasn't something he was going to tolerate.

Truth be told, he'd been well enough for the last few weeks. He knew he should've been the one to contact Ophelia, but he'd spent the majority of his time getting back into shape (apparently not eating and subsisting mostly on grain alcohols did not do wonders for a man's figure) and finding house elves to replace the ones that he'd messily thrown out windows or through walls. He needed to know that Ophelia would still come back to him, that he was (at least in his opinion) in control of that situation.

The manor looked lovely now, though; fresh coats of paint on some of the walls, flowers in the vase by the door. Grayson himself looked for every intent and purpose like he had before his brother's death; the fire was back in his eyes and he felt sharper than ever.

No more of this failure nonsense.

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2011-11-16 05:20 am UTC (link)
Even he knew that Ophelia wouldn't be able to handle another year like this. He was actually very certain that he wouldn't be able to handle another year like this, actually. Fortunately, circumstances were in their favor - with Voldemort vanquished, allegedly, the Death Eaters had dropped to a mere blip on the radar of law enforcement ... as long as they kept their heads down.

He'd have to start doing that if his family was going to work.

"I'll have the house elves get your things in the morning," he said after reluctantly drawing back from the kiss, brows furrowed.

He took another breath before kissing her again, fully intent on making her evening back at home as memorable as possible. Surely all of this was important to proving that he was one-hundred percent recovered, right?


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2011-11-16 05:32 am UTC (link)
Ah, right, this meant they would be moving back in. Back home. As lovely as the flat was that she had with Dmitry and Anya, it wasn't home--arguably more homey, but it was not their home. Maybe she had simply never wanted to accept that it had been likely they would not be coming back to this place again, but either way, this felt much better.

"And the kids, too," she reminded him between kisses. "Anya will be so--happy to see you."

How long since she'd let him see their daughter? Did he know that she talked now, that she asked for him? Dmitry might not be overjoyed by the situation, but the only thing Ophelia wanted to do more than spend the night with her husband right then was to bring her daughter back to her father. There was a lot of lost time for the two of them to make up together.

But it was Ophelia's turn first. She smirked against his lips and tugged at back of his shirt insistently.

Yes, her first.

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