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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-11-17 00:54:00

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Delilah rocked on her heels outside of Scott's place as she waited for him to open the door. She hoped that it was alright that she was there, as it was some what of a surprise. She had said that they needed to get together before she left, but just decided that it should be now. Charlie and she were currently in a stale mate, no longer actively fighting but nothing really solved either. And she just didn't want to think about it anymore. So what better way to just forget about it than to show up on her boyfriend's doorstep with a bottle of liquor (since she couldn't cook anything edible and it would be rude to show up empty handed) and a plan to spend the evening together.

And try once again to convince him to come with her, which if she was honest, was a completely selfish thought, as she knew his sister was going through a rough time as well and he was needed at home. She really couldn't blame him at all.Scott was amazing to have around. Delilah had yet to spend time with him and not have a good time. That and he was a bit of good luck charm for her. She always dueled better when she had someone in the audience she was trying to impress. Also she was secretly terrified of these subspace highway things she heard him talking about before, it would be nice to have some one who knew what they were doing.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me coming by unannounced." She said when the door opened, instantly smiling at the sight of Scott. "Are you busy? I was hoping we could hang out or something..."

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2011-11-19 02:48 am UTC (link)
Delilah's lips quirked up into a smile. "Well you should get use to it. I'm a bit of a selfish person, and I don't plan on letting you go any time soon." Loyal and reliable is exactly what she needed in her life. That his calm demeanor really balanced out her overly excitable ways. She noticed that at her loss that was right after they met.

She pulled him closer to him, kissing him soundly as she ran her free hand through his hair. "That is, if you don't mind too terribly having a slightly neurotic dueler hanging around constantly."

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2011-11-19 02:57 am UTC (link)
"I don't think that's much of a problem for me, actually. In fact, I quite enjoy having you around." She was always exciting, that was for sure. He leaned into the kiss, not bothering to say much more against that. He knew it wasn't attractive to constantly self-deprecate, even if it was still kind of a habit.

"And I don't think you're neurotic, for reference."

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