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Victoria Cadwallader ([info]beavertails) wrote in [info]valesco,
Victoria, she was sure, had been less thrilled about coming to this party than Mira had been -- but she couldn't very well tell her that. Bringing down Mira's mood when she finally seemed to be getting over Seth in a way that was at least moderately healthy wasn't something she could do in good conscience, and it wasn't like she was obligated to do anything here except look as good as she could sitting at a table and eating a possibly-unhealthy amount of shrimp.

She arranged the tails of the seafood on her plate and made a point of not glancing in the direction she knew Vinny was in. Yes, it had probably been better for him to figure out that they weren't going to work out before things got more serious than they had been, but that didn't mean she wanted to watch him with some other pretty blonde that looked like some sort of flawless mermaid. So far she'd been able to duck most of the press, still not the completely-familiar face that some of the other players were.

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