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Ann Shimpling ([info]healerstouch) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-01-19 22:59:00

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Entry tags:griffith kirkham, noralie thompson

Characters: Nora Thompson and Griffith Kirkham
Setting: Hogsmeade; a small restaurant, Sunday around 6 pm
Summary: Nora needs to tell Griff about the bun in the oven
Rating/Status: G/PG...not finished yet

Nora stood outside of the Three Broomsticks, feeling awkward and uncomfortable in the bitter cold January wind. She let out a small sigh, watching her breath as it fogged in the air before disappearing. She'd played the exact moment over and over in her mind but still wasn't sure how she was going to tell Griff. She was afraid to be completely blunt about it and just lay everything out on the table, but if she went about it any other way she would likely cave under the pressure and avoid telling him completely. Then there was the issue of how he would react to it; opening up to someone just to have them push you away...well, the idea of that didn't set well with Nora, either. She folded her arms across her chest as she waited for Griff, looking at the small line of people as they went about their shopping. For a moment she wanted to leave and tell Griff later that she had something come up, but unfortunately for her, Griff had arrived.

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2008-01-21 04:09 am UTC (link)
Here goes nothing...

Nora smiled faintly, stepping away from the wall she was leaning on. "Hi," she said awkwardly, unsure of what else to say past that. She had been so caught up in thinking about how to break the news to him that she couldn't think of anything to fill the space between that. She folded her arms over her chest, glancing down at her feet before back up at him. "So...I didn't think I'd ever see you again," she said softly.

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2008-01-21 04:54 am UTC (link)
Griff blinked, mildly taken aback at her words. To be quite honest, he'd never anticipated (not even in his dizziest daydreams) that Nora would be the one to say them. Maybe he was dreaming. Why else would she have said it? He had flat out betrayed her. Perhaps she was trying to get some sort of obscure insult in there? Griff was suddenly very confused and his mind had gone as blank as his expression.

"Er," he started hesitantly, "Well, you, y'know, asked me to..." his voice trailed off there. He was unsure of where she was going with this. It was really bloody awkward.

"But--ah--I was thinking," Griff breezed on rather than continue the conversation of awkward looks and dead air, "maybe we should--ah--go ter somewhere more private than a pub to--ah--talk." He cast a nervous look to other wizardfolk that were walking by them and back to Nora.

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2008-01-21 05:01 am UTC (link)
She paused, taking in his (rather good) point. "I just didn't expect you to say yes," she said, tucking her hair behind her ears. She looked back up as he spoke again and saw the nerves in his eyes. Private. Right. They'd probably need that anyways, considering the huge bomb she was about to drop on him.

She nodded, shrugging her shoulders. "Anything's fine; whatever you're comfortable with," she responded, feeling a weird twist in her stomach as she caught his eyes. Just hungry, Nora. You can't have feelings for him because he doesn't have them for you.

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2008-01-21 05:20 am UTC (link)
Griff mouthed for words as he struggled not to laugh at the absolutely absurdity of every sentence that came out of her mouth. Had he gone completely mad? Why wasn't she hexing his bits to taste like vomit right now?

"I--I think you should decide," he stammered, utterly perplexed by the tiny blonde. She was being entirely too pleasant for what he'd done. "S'long as it's--ah--private."

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2008-01-21 05:35 am UTC (link)
Right. Chocolate, pineapple juice, and colby jack cheese it was; little mini Griffalie had decided upon it. "Er--weird request but, back to my place?" She wondered if it would be awkward for him to be back there, all things considered. If not, she would suck it up and ignore the cravings. She bit her lip as she looked at him, waiting for his answer. It was private, after all...

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2008-01-21 05:50 am UTC (link)
Nodding several times, Griff sucked in a lungful of the frigid air. Could this possibly be more awkward? He didn't think so. At least they were going to her place. He hoped things would feel less harried once there were no longer talking within earshot of others.

"Ah--see you there then?" he said tentatively, waiting for Nora to make a move.

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2008-01-21 06:01 am UTC (link)
Nora nodded. She realized that he was standing there, waiting, watching. Well, shit. She didn't want to apparate because what if she did something to hurt the baby, but if she stepped inside to floo back home he was going to be suspicious. Not that he wouldn't be after she got her food but she let out a soft sigh, squinted her eyes shut, and apparated back to her living room.

Pouting as she looked around the room, she realized it was a mess. She flicked her wand quickly and watched a few things zoom back to their right place, then waited for Griff to arrive.

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2008-01-21 06:57 am UTC (link)
Griff let out a heavy breath when Nora disapparated. He stood in the cold for a moment and re-ran the entire exchange through his head. Either he was dreaming or Nora had gone completely buggering mad. Maybe she was planning to maim and kill him and that was why she was being so bloody nice?

Bloody. Hell.

He shook himself furiously with a huff and that drew an odd look from a wizard that was headed into the Three Broomsticks. Griff gave the wire-haired man a slightly embarrassed nod before turning away. He really needed to get a hold on himself or he was never going to be able to get through this little chat with Nora.

Heaving a sigh, Griff swore under his breath and spun on his heel to disappear with a low pop from Hogsmeade. He reappeared in Nora's living room and had to blink several times to adjust his eyes to the light. Not wanting to move from where he stood until he--well---had permission, Griff swiveled until he saw Nora hastily stuffing away a small stack of books.

"Should I stay in 'ere or go to the kitchen or--?" Griff asked as he scratched anxious at the back of his neck.

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2008-01-21 07:11 am UTC (link)
"Oh, er--kitchen might be best? I've put on a pot for tea if you'd like some," she said as she shot back up from her crouch, cheeks a bright red from embarrassment and change of temperature. She gave him what could best be described as the smile of a small child that has done something wrong but his parents have not quite figured out what it was.

"I guess things have been okay?" she said as she pulled her cheese out from the refrigerator. Small chat was not working very well for her, was it? Cutting out a moderately sized chunk, she looked at him for an answer or anything.

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2008-01-21 08:11 am UTC (link)
Raising a brow at Nora's odd behavior, Griff shrugged out of his winter cloak as he followed her toward the kitchen. "Tea, yeah," he said distractedly with a nod. "Tea would be good."

He approached the hearth in the kitchen and went about hanging up his cloak and scarf. All the while he chewed at his thoughts. Was she even going to say anything about what happened two weeks ago? This was just so very strange.

Griff stared at his cloak in thought over her question before he finally turned back to Nora. "Ah--y'know," he glanced nervously to her, "the usual." Griff shrugged and loosely crossed his arms over his chest.

"Same with you, yeah?" He tentatively cleared his throat after realizing the awkwardness of the question. "Considering..." his voice failed him. This was going swimmingly all right.

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2008-01-21 08:23 am UTC (link)
Nora chewed at her bottom lip before nodding. Urgh, no...cheese by itself was not cutting it at all. "I'm--I'm doing better," she said slowly as she opened the fridge door. She caught herself before divulging just how much the past two weeks of her life had sucked.

Ooh, tabasco sauce? No...Better to not. She pouted as she realized there was no pineapple juice in her house. Bugger. She'd have to put it on her shopping list. But ooh, she had chocolate pudding and that sounded grand right now. She pulled out one of the pre-made cups and set to opening and consuming it.

"No, I went home for a bit and cleared my mind and," she took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. It didn't hurt to think about him anymore; she didn't ache any time she caught a whiff of something that smelled like him or saw something Quidditch related, but she didn't want to tell him that she'd hurt after everything occurred. She had to be strong, or some rubbish like that. "And now everything's just...fine. Okay. Not bad..."

She quickly set to getting out two cups for tea as the kettle whistled for her attention. "Just a bit busy with school and the like," she added as she set everything up. The distraction had been wonderful. She set one of the tea cups down across the table from her chair before grabbing her own tea cup and set it down to join her cheese and chocolate pudding. The odd taste assembly was enough to make a dog sick to his stomach.

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2008-01-25 01:17 am UTC (link)
He only caught snippets of Nora's answers and barely noticed the odd choices of food for dinner. Honestly, he was too nervous to even think of food or continue with the small talk. So began the first real awkward silence of the evening. Why hadn't she said a word about The Night? Was she expecting him to bring up? Great. Just bloody great. Not that he had any room to be complaining here. It was miracle that was she was even talking to him.

Griff was uneasy when he sat down to join her at the table. He reached to draw the pot of water over to his cup, but didn't pour himself any and simply stared at the lid as he absently fussed with it to distract himself.

Letting out a sigh, Griff glanced up to meet her gaze. "Nora," he started evenly but his words still caught and made him hesitate, "shouldn't we be talking about other... things."

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2008-01-25 05:11 am UTC (link)
As he was taking his time sitting down and formulating things in his own mind, Nora was trying to figure out how to say what she needed to say--and Merlin's litter of kittens, the tea was awful. She sighed and grabbed the salt shaker and began to furiously shake its contents into her cup. She stopped however when he caught her eye and started talking. Other things? What on earth was he going on about?

She blinked slowly, trying to figure out how he knew about the--oh, no. He thought she wanted to talk about what had happened. "Griff...I, that's not what I wanted to talk about. Well, we could talk about it if you wanted to, but...I have some news that I thought you should know because..." she stopped. Bugger, this wasn't at all going how she wanted it to.

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2008-01-25 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Griff blinked and blinked, and blinked once more when Nora upturned the salt shaker into her tea. Her tea. Salt was not something you put into tea. His brow knitted and he started to warn her but what she was saying once again caught him completely off-guard and so he was once again speechless. His brow furrowed further as he glance from her face to her cup and back again.

Not what she wanted to talk about? Not what she wanted to talk about? Was he dead? Was this what purgatory was like?

"I don't understand. I thought you wanted to talk about--" Griff stopped himself before he completely knocked whatever she was about to say off-track. He shook his head clear and dropped his hands to the table where they nervously continued to fidget. "What is it you wanted to tell me?"

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2008-01-25 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Oh, bugger. She was at a loss for words. She let out a soft huff before closing her eyes. "I wanted to tell you sooner and I tried to when I...went over to your house last time," she said softly, her eyes now focusing on her tea cup.

She looked back up at him, even though it terrified her a bit. "Griff...I...I'm pregnant." She felt so vulnerable and worried that tears were beginning to well up without any response from him at all.

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2008-01-25 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Though he winced at the very mention of the last time he'd seen her, it was barely a grazing blow compared to her next words. Griff's entire being ground to an abrupt halt when Nora said the absolute last words - in a list of every sentence that could possibly exist in the English language and then some - he'd thought she would.

To say Griff looked stunned would be a understatement to end all understatements.

"You're what?" he croaked tough he was not entirely sure why. He'd heard her just fine, but fuck if that wasn't ever a twist ending.

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2008-01-25 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Nora bit her lower lip. She wasn't sure why she was expecting a better reaction than this, but however you wanted to word his response, it wasn't what she wanted.

She swallowed hard. "Uhm, well. From what I can figure I'm about three months along. I--didn't expect this to happen and I was so scared to tell you that I just kept putting it off." She sighed softly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

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