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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-09-06 15:47:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, andrea johnson, anton chang, arista sykes, caden flint, charles spinnet, delilah spinnet, estella flint, glenda prewett, group, jeremiah whitehorn, joy mclaggen, kate dagworth-peakes, magnolia mattias, matthew summerby, michal conway lynch, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, penelope fawcett, phineas mclaggen, psyke bardera, richard house, rose knightley, rupert brookstanton, seth wadcock, therese bonaccord, tristan bardera, victoria cadwallader, wendy midgen, zoey moran

Axe's Anniversary of Birth!!!!
Charlie was pretty sure he'd missed out on a wonderful career as a party planner. As he stared out at the dance floor, which he stood over on a platform where the DJ was spinning a mix of wizard and muggle music (even with some popular French songs that were actually pretty catchy if Charlie said so himself). He wasn't surprised at how many people showed up, but it still nearly startling to see how bloody happy everyone was to be there! Sure, some looked ridiculous with the fake mustaches that were passed out (not required, obviously), but a lot had actually grown out their beards and it was----cool, they tried, they wanted to be there and they wanted to have a good time. Charlie wanted to have a good time.

The Kestrels were not top of the pack, and while he believed in his team completely, the stress of the numbers had been getting to them. A night like this was necessary, and maybe it could rejuvenate the team that had lost some valuable members this season and had done a bit of shifting around. They were still trying to get themselves into place, and it needed to happen faster than it was.

Plus, Axe had been pissy all week that no one had acknowledged the anniversary of his birth.

Charlie grabbed the mic from the DJ and grinned, enjoying colorful scene laid out in front of him. funkybuddha club had been a perfect choice for the night, "Don't everyone tire themselves out! There's still a lot more festivites to look forward to!"

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2012-09-08 05:48 am UTC (link)
It wasn't true, it wasn't, it was an exaggeration, a fabrication, but Axe knew his own guilt, and what the evidence Xavier had in his grasp looked like. He knew the murky but seemingly undeniable story it painted. "You wouldn't."

"A fool might think so," Xavier agreed in his amicable tone, stroking his chin. "But I have been backed into a corner, and you will get me out of it. Aside from my help that night, there is more you owe to me than you know." His expression grew disdainfully disdainfully malevolent. "You would not be here, were it not for me. How else do you think a drunken layabout with three counts of malicious Transfiguration in the first degree could go on to captain a team of lucky misfits?" he asked softly. "So yes, Rupert. I think we both know you will do exactly. As. I. Say."

Xavier was lying. He had to be, because he couldn't have such far-reaching ties with the English Ministry. Q.U.A.B.B.L.E. had been the ones to reach out to Axe, and they acted of their own volition, and they had—they had to have, because the idea that he owed his brother in anyway, was—

Breathing much too hard, unable to see straight, with the threat of everything, of the life he wouldn't let himself admit that he loved, being snatched away from him staring him down, his vision swam before him while he slammed his hand uselessly against the wall. Xavier wiped at his lips with a serviette.

"Now, mon frère," he admonished lightly, clapping Axe over the shoulder while his voice dragged over the pointed French endearment. "Behave yourself. You would not want to spoil such a wonderful party in your honour. You will hear from me soon." He set his glass on the bar and slowed before turning with a smirk. "Et bonjour chez vous," he said slyly, snaking his way into the crowd as easily as he'd come.

Axe was going to vomit. He leaned against the wall even as his heart was thumping in triple-time and he was quivery from the excesses of too much adrenaline and no way to expend it. A beat which felt like a lifetime passed, and the shivering of his insides showed no signs of dissipating, leaving him clammy, sick. Too rattled to notice the shaking of the hand he extended to pluck a drink, any strong drink, off a tray, he downed its contents in one gulp and dropped the glass, stepping over the shards in his quest for another.

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