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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-09-06 15:47:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, andrea johnson, anton chang, arista sykes, caden flint, charles spinnet, delilah spinnet, estella flint, glenda prewett, group, jeremiah whitehorn, joy mclaggen, kate dagworth-peakes, magnolia mattias, matthew summerby, michal conway lynch, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, penelope fawcett, phineas mclaggen, psyke bardera, richard house, rose knightley, rupert brookstanton, seth wadcock, therese bonaccord, tristan bardera, victoria cadwallader, wendy midgen, zoey moran

Axe's Anniversary of Birth!!!!
Charlie was pretty sure he'd missed out on a wonderful career as a party planner. As he stared out at the dance floor, which he stood over on a platform where the DJ was spinning a mix of wizard and muggle music (even with some popular French songs that were actually pretty catchy if Charlie said so himself). He wasn't surprised at how many people showed up, but it still nearly startling to see how bloody happy everyone was to be there! Sure, some looked ridiculous with the fake mustaches that were passed out (not required, obviously), but a lot had actually grown out their beards and it was----cool, they tried, they wanted to be there and they wanted to have a good time. Charlie wanted to have a good time.

The Kestrels were not top of the pack, and while he believed in his team completely, the stress of the numbers had been getting to them. A night like this was necessary, and maybe it could rejuvenate the team that had lost some valuable members this season and had done a bit of shifting around. They were still trying to get themselves into place, and it needed to happen faster than it was.

Plus, Axe had been pissy all week that no one had acknowledged the anniversary of his birth.

Charlie grabbed the mic from the DJ and grinned, enjoying colorful scene laid out in front of him. funkybuddha club had been a perfect choice for the night, "Don't everyone tire themselves out! There's still a lot more festivites to look forward to!"

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2012-09-09 01:33 am UTC (link)
Fingers still pressed to her mouth, she nodded vigorously before they slid away. "I think so." With an amazing amount of dexterity for someone who could not stay upright a moment ago (though it helped she had a sturdy anchor), she rubbed the back of her left calf with her right foot. "I can't quite remember." Leaning forward just enough that her nose wasn't entirely smashed flat against his front, she whispered loudly, "I think I might be drunk!"

She had never been drunk before. Her mother said it was not what proper people did, so she always refrained from sometimes even having one drink, as often she couldn't finish it because her cheeks would start to heat halfway through and she developed a horrifyingly embarrassing tendency to titter. Penelope craned her head towards Charlie, to ask if he was having a nice time, or perhaps ask if her laugh was annoying, or—had the thought pushed right out of her airy head. He was smiling at her, and it was such a nice smile, and she was so very happy, and she told him "You're very beautiful."

He was very beautiful, and she was going to kiss him.

She raised herself up on tiptoes to do just that, when she was impeded by a terrible obstacle. He was much further up than she remembered him being earlier. Or was it that she was much further down? Her gaze rolled to the floor, where the sight of ten pink toes stared back at her.

"Fiddlesticks," she muttered, watching them wiggle seemingly of their own accord. But the polish looked very nice, if she did say so herself.

(And she did!)

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2012-09-09 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"You are very drunk!" Charlie agreed with a laugh, shaking his head at her poor attempt at trying to kiss him. He bent forward to capture a kiss but Penny's head was already ducked away in confusion.

Her toes did look very nice, but made Charlie wonder where on earth her shoes had gone. He knew girls had a penchant for kicking loose the ten inch heels they for some reason wore to events like this, but he had a good feeling that Penelope had no idea where hers were. He supposed that they would either be found tomorrow. But, he couldn't possibly have her walking around like this. The floor was slippery with spilled drinks and who knows what---she'd be the first to fall and split her head on a flower pot or something of the sort.

"Let's get those toes off this dirty floor," he said with a grin, only waiting a beat before bending and swiping Penelope off the floor and into his arms. Hopefully not fast enough to have her get sick all over him, but she had been bouncing just moments before, he figured a change in altitude couldn't hurt too much. Charlie made a big show of moving through the crowd, crowing about catching a troublemaker on the dance floor. The VIP section was surely going to be full of snogging bodies (most likely one being his sister and Charlie did not want to see any of that), he headed straight toward the bar. There, he planted Penny right on the counter top, putting them at eye level. Or, well, when he stood on the ledge that led up to the bar, it put them at eye level.

"You're taller than me now," he said, unabashedly standing between her legs, as it was really the only way to get (in)decently close to her. Being the seemingly only sober person at the club left Charlie with some confidence in his thought process, and he planted his hands on either sides of Penelope.

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2012-09-10 02:08 am UTC (link)
She shrieked when he picked her up, throwing her arms around him for purchase and burying her face in the crook of his neck. She didn't care a whit about the germs or the safety hazard associated with her bare feet, it was the distressing increase in height she found disagreeable—not that that was a problem any longer. While she was there, she found one of the tastiest parts of him at a most convenient distance and could not quite resist helping herself to it as she kissed up and down one of her favourite spots along his neck. Their contact broke very minimally as he set her down and stepped closer, but she found the changes suited her extremely well.

"I feel very tall," she agreed, which she liked immensely, because she wasn't tall at all and no one ever let her forget it. Penelope twined her legs around him firmly (or as firmly as she was capable of at this moment), then slid the hands that had fallen low on his chest (but not as agreeably low as they might have) right back up to clasp around his neck. She leaned closer so as to finally press her lips to his.

She would have been content with just that, but a very pressing thought occurred to her, so she pulled away slightly. "You're very considerate," she said between kisses. "That's why I love you." Her focus shifted to his jaw as her kisses slid to the side, and up along its strong line. She paused close by his ear to, first giggle, and then whisper, "Also, you are very beautiful. It's one of the two."

A drowsy humming noise escaped her as her nuzzling became distinctly more cat-like than girlfriend-like. "I think I shall keep you." She pressed a kiss just to the left of his adam's apple and another laugh bubbled out of her because she was tingly, and he was so warm and her head fit so well at the crook of his neck, and…

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