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Lydia Proudfoot ([info]maneater) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-01-20 15:17:00

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Entry tags:darren quigg, lydia proudfoot

[Darren, for Naughtybadfun]
Who: Lydia and Darren
What: Distractions are needed.
When: Saturday night (John's wedding night)
Rating: At least hard R for a dirty mouth and drug usage

When Darren had left the note on her journal, Lydia had already been planning on making tonight one of those nights where she completely forgot the date and time of day. The fact that Darren was coming over now only meant that she wouldn't have to be as careful as if she were alone. She brought her hand over the back of her neck as she leaned forward toward the mirror, touching up her make-up with a faint sigh.

As per usual, she'd slipped into a pair of long gloves and a corseted dress. Her hair was swept up and her shoulders were bare - definitely suggestive, but it sometimes helped lower the prices of her favorite dealers. The more she could get for ten galleons, the better. She picked up the last of her remaining opal and set it into her purse carefully, glancing toward the door and wondering when Darren would be coming around. She should have told her that she still had some of her last purchase with her - he'd have been at the door in ten seconds flat.

She tapped a gloved hand against the table, content with her appearance, and waited.

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2008-01-22 05:00 am UTC (link)
Darren's reply was an arrogant chuckle as he slid off the door frame and into the flat. His eyes followed Lydia's neckline while the rest of him swaggered behind her. Though he frowned in annoyance when she said her stash was low, as Darren passed around Lydia and into the sitting room another smirk was slung on his face.

"You know I never carry it on me," Darren said pointedly as she took her seat. He moved across the room and dropped himself onto on end of a sette. "But if you need the money for more..." he settled into the cushions and spread his arms along the back of sette, "I might be able to help you there." A smile passed into his expression. Darren Quigg, full of himself? Never.

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2008-01-22 05:10 am UTC (link)
"You know very well that money isn't an issue, Darren. Keep yours for your 'girlfriend'." She didn't bother to restrain her snort at the words, opting instead to pour them both a rather large glass of firewhisky. She levitated one glass over to Darren with an arched brow, absently fishing the last of her opal out of her purse. She followed the levitating tumbler until she was in front of Darren and then dangled said vial in front of the man's eyes.

"And yes, I know that you're too 'careful' with your clients to keep any on your person." Admittedly, it was a smart move. She didn't bring her stash to work for similar reasons. Lydia drew the vial back and moved to uncap it, tilting her head to the side as if she were thinking hard about a very difficult decision.

"Now, the question remains ... should I give you the rest of this? It was such a potent batch, I don't know if you could handle it."

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2008-01-22 02:29 pm UTC (link)
If Darren hadn't dropped his head back to the sette, Lydia would have seen his eyes narrow as he prickled at the mention of Devon. He didn't want to think of her right now, especially not if tonight went--well--how it usually went with Lydia. They'd end up shooting so much Opal that he couldn't hold onto a rational thought for more than five seconds before he had slipped back into the transcending state of awareness the drug gave. Darren typically would awake the next day unsure which of his memories were dreams and which were reality. It was side of him that Devon had yet to know and Darren was unsure if he'd ever be willing to show her.

He sat up to catch the glasses that had floated to him and watched Lydia approach as he took a taste of the firewhiskey. There was a familiar tingling burn down his throat when swallowed. Darren smirked up at Lydia but it faltered when he saw the partially emptied vial before his face. Feeling a sudden and all too familiar itch at the back of his neck, his jaw tensed as did his grip on his glass.

"Of course I can handle it," Darren told Lydia evenly as he stared unblinkingly at her. "But you know how difficult it is for me to get it." And by 'it' he meant what was in the vial had teased him with. It was Opal, yes, but not just any batch that you could buy. It was stronger, more potent - the sort that Darren needed now that his addiction had built tolerance.

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2008-01-22 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"Tsk, tsk. That's because you don't have the willpower to make the right connections, Darren." She would be the first to admit that she didn't take as much as the man did at any point and time. She was just as addicted as he was, but her craving didn't coil into the pit of her stomach and refuse to leave more than once every few weeks. That was the way she liked it. Lydia smirked again, arching her brow at Darren.

"You know, Darren, I think I'm far too selfless. If you want the rest of it, you'll have to tip your head back. You know your aim is shit." And wasting Opal because one doesn't have very good aim is not acceptable. She would be able to handle herself, but Darren after a few good hits? She doubted it. Lydia positioned the vial over Darren's face and waited, hoping that he wasn't going to be a prat about it today.

She'd still have to call up one of her dealers for a hit of her own, but perhaps she'd ask for a weaker batch. She had a shoot tomorrow afternoon and as long as she could get through the morning without mass hallucinations she was convinced she'd be fine. She licked her lips.

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2008-01-22 03:13 pm UTC (link)
Darren gave a little roll of his eyes as he took another swallow of whiskey. It was thoroughly more difficult for him to make the connections she had. He was lacking all the non-monetary assets that she possessed. To be quite honest, though, the real reason he had never sought his contacts and dealers was due the very likely fact that Vena would find out and have his head on a platter. Therefore, he was exceedingly relieved that Lydia was willing to give him the hit.

The less deals he did for himself, the better.

"Right. If you would try not to really jab it in there this time that would be wonderful."

Resting his head back to the cushions with a sigh, Darren stared blankly up at the ceiling. The ice in his tumbler shifted about as he open his arms wide once more to set them to the back of the sette. His knees also edged further apart to be more comfortable - he suspected that Lydia would end up on his lap in order to get better aim over his eyes. Actually, he was fairly certain (in his dodgey memory) that she had routinely ended up on his lap regardless of aim whenever they met but that was beside the point.

"Hit away," Darren invited as he continued to stare up at the ceiling.

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2008-01-22 11:20 pm UTC (link)
She was perfectly well-aware of the real reason that Darren didn't do much buying himself. She had met Vena on one or two occasions and she had deemed the woman very successful in her business, which meant one of two things: she was irreversibly violent (which didn't seem likely, given that none of the other escorts she'd met had a scratch on them) or she was a stone-cold bitch who managed to come off as fair.

Lydia smirked when Darren nudged his knees apart - he knew their routine well by now, and she slid down into his lap as expected, grazing her hand over the back of his neck before she brought the vial down carefully. She injected gently expressly because he had asked 'nicely' (and because she was in a very good mood), emptying the vial and watching the familiar blackness cover the whites of Darren's eyes. It was always an interesting thing to see when sober. Wizarding drugs were amazing things.

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2008-01-23 01:32 pm UTC (link)
Feeling Lydia settle against him, a nagging thought reminded Darren that he had a girlfriend but like he always did while working, he swallowed the thought away. He wrapped his free arm around Lydia's waist when she loomed over him and locked his gaze. The gesture wasn't necessarily out of attraction for Lydia, but an unspoken trust. Generally speaking, most users wouldn't allow just anyone to stick a tiny needle into their eye.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Darren's body braced when he felt the pinch of the injection and the subsequent growing pressure in his eyes. It was exceedingly difficult to not blink but doing so would entirely fuck the process. He continued to stare through the pain and up at a now very blurry Lydia.

When she drew back and the needle pressure ceased, Darren's now white-less eyes closed and he released a groaning sigh as the tension in his jaw slackened. Over the following several seconds the Opal began to take effect on his system and though Darren felt weightless with euphoria, his heartbeat was now racing. He let out a moan as his head lulled mindless forward to Lydia and back down to the sette. His eyes opened--but only partially--and he was smiling widely without really even knowing it.

"Fucking good shit," he mumbled lazily.

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2008-01-23 04:41 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, yes," She replied with mild amusement, letting her hand skirt down his jaw again before it helped him to tip his head back. Lydia might have been many things - a harlot, a model, a drug user - but she wasn't entirely irresponsible when it came to other people. She would never be a 'trip sitter', but she knew that Darren generally came out of these evenings more fucked up than her, and that meant she had to take a 'light' buzz of her own.

Besides, Lydia craved control too much for anything more than that. It had the bonus of (she thought, falsely) keeping her addiction down. Partially because the spot was comfortable and partially because she was still watching Darren, Lydia stayed in his lap while she fiddled with the little device her dealer had given her. Something like a 'wizarding beeper', the man had said.

As if she knew what the fuck that was. Still, she did know that within a few minutes (the man knew better than to keep her waiting) she had two fresh supplies - one for her and a stronger one for Darren. It was ... well, fucking perfect. She was already starting to push John to the back of her mind.

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2008-04-06 05:23 am UTC (link)
His world had suddenly become breathlessly clear. Every bit of exhaustion and lingering angst he felt had floated away out of body and thought. He was peaceful. Everything in his life suddenly made sense and he no longer felt dogged by it. It was fucking wonderful.

Darren knew it was the drug and he knew the feeling wouldn't last. The weight of life would inevitably return and he dreaded it. He dreaded it enough that he would willingly string himself out for days if allowed. The Opal--which made his thoughts so certain and clear--only aided that desire. When he was high, he saw no downside to taking measures to stay there. It was only when he was sober again that the consequences became clear. Which was one reason he needed Lydia. Darren trusted that she would stop him from going too far.

"How long?" he asked lazily. The hand he'd looped around Lydia was absently brushing fingertips along her outer thigh as he watched her poke at the device in her hand.

Her warmth against him was nice and he was too comfortable as it were to even think to ask her move. The fact that he had a girlfriend was no longer on his mind. It had exited with the rest of his inhibitions. Lydia was just a close friend---an intimate friend, you could say. Devon would understand.

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