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the only octavius o. pepper ([info]dinglealltheway) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-12-27 17:11:00

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Entry tags:adian rosenberg, adrian mattias, andrea johnson, anneliese jugson, bertram aubrey, bess fawcett, bianca aubrey, billie trimble, caden flint, cassandra parkinson, charles spinnet, charlotte sweeting, drystan fawcett, edward pennifold, elizabeth fortescue, elliot alderton, elphias doge, estella flint, ethan jordan, flynn wright, franziska dolohov, gabriel corner, galvin gudgeon, glenda prewett, graciela pennifold, greta catchlove, group, henry wadcock, howell williams, iwan quigley, jake bexley, jeremiah whitehorn, kalista borgin, larkin whitby, louis bonaccord, mackenzie goldstein, magnolia mattias, mattie scarpin, max fancourt, melania comstock, michal conway lynch, miles lufkin, mirabelle jasper, miranda frobisher, nicodemo penrose, nicola scarpin, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, oliver comstock, orion sinistra, penelope fawcett, phoebe smethwyck, rachel corner, ralph frobisher, remus lupin, rose knightley, rupert brookstanton, saoirse mullet, savannah davies, sebastian goldstein, seth wadcock, therese bonaccord, west sumpter, william jugson, winnifred llewellyn

New Year's Eve Masquerade! For Tuesday

Octavius believed hiring someone to organise an event for him meant they would actually organise an event for him. Unfortunately, that notion proved to be a false one when the organiser left him high and dry in the middle of the month, but Octavius persevered. With the help of himself, Mira, occasionally Lottie Sweeting, and an army of lackeys, the night of the masquerade had come together as beautifully as possible.

Lottie had, for once, actually done her job, and at either entrance of the grand foyer were attendants handing out beautifully crafted half-masks to party-goers, and collecting them as people left. The ballroom was majestic and shimmering, the music was softly thrumming, the drinks were pouring, and the mood was infectious. All in all, Octavius thought, it was a satisfactory night to end a rather satisfactory year. After the chaos and excitement that had chased him all throughout 1983, he was rather happy to have had a (comparably) quiet year.

"Can you make sure Miss Warbeck is ready to begin?" he murmured to an attendant nearby who then scurried off. The Wizarding Wireless Network had, after all, promised a wonderful surprise at midnight! Octavius needed to ensure everything went perfectly.

The flash of a nearby photographer made Octavius scowl, annoyed was he at even the few press witches and wizards who had paid handsomely to be at the charity event tonight. The publicity was good, no one could deny that, and the masks concealed everyone's identity at least marginally so there was no grievous intrusion on privacy, but that didn't mean Octavius enjoyed their presence.

He rolled up the sleeve of his dress robe to check his watch, then his eyes darted back to the stage. It was five minutes to midnight! What, for heaven's sake, was Celestina Warbeck taking so long to appear onto an already dressed stage? Shaking his head agitatedly, Octavius cut through a path through the brightly coloured bodies in the mingling crowd to check on his star performer.

OOC Read this for questions, or ask me! Fluid time, so feel free to thread before/after kisses. Again, the "compulsion" to find your kissing partner kicks in 5-10 minutes before midnight and could be anything from thinking you should walk and get some punch to being mystifyingly sexually attracted to the masked stranger at your side. HAVE FUN! GO WILD ♥ AND HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY GORGEOUS GALS.

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2014-01-04 02:20 am UTC (link)
Another year, another wonderful WWN party! Glenda would really have to commend Octavius for out-doing himself this year. The location was spectacular, the food delicious, and the theme one she found herself fully enjoying! When was the last time she had happily attended a masquerade ball? Far too long! She could barely remember! These masks made her professional obligations so much easier; they made it actually fun to spot and guess who was behind the mask, not to mention transitioning into matters important to the WWN (funding, scheduling, discussion topics) incredibly easy. Before too long, time had passed far too quickly and midnight was upon her! Where was her wonderful date?

Glenda rose up onto her tiptoes, hoping to catch the top of Vinny's head over the crowd. But the floor had become too ingested, making it virtually impossible to pick out any discernible features, let alone the ones of her handsome quidditch boyfriend. But surely, he would be looking for her right now as well? Feeling a pinch of anxiety fill her, Glenda next thought that perhaps she should send out a flare of sorts!

That would be a bit dramatic, wouldn't it? She pocketed her wand, thinking that, yes, that would be. She supposed it wouldn't be the end of the world if she didn't get the chance to snog him tonight, as any other night he was hers to snog. That thought, she supposed, put things in perspective, and just as Glenda had decided to skirt off to the bathroom to avoid any awkward confusion, another thought hit her.

Or she could snog this fine gentleman standing purposely in front of her. A smile to match his quickly crept onto her face, and together they approached each other with hands extended.

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2014-01-04 05:27 pm UTC (link)
Henry was more than ready to put an end to this miserable year. Once again forced to a public event because of contractual obligations, he kept his physical radius within the long counter of the bar. As often as he scolded his clients about excessive drinking, it wasn't as if Henry didn't understand it. It was easier than dealing with all the rampant thoughts that tended to infuse themselves in the supposed merriment of the holidays. Henry had anticipated the Christmas season being difficult without Heidi, but he'd underestimated how bloody hard they would be. His son was still far too young to understand the season and dream of Santa, but his family had taken it into their own hands to make the last weeks of December were festive for Bran. There would be wonderful pictures to look at in the years to come, but all the intended excitement managed for Henry was to press him harder into misery.

It didn't help that...it didn't help that Henry himself wasn't feeling misery solely because of his lost fiancée. It included a guilt, a deep rooted guilt that had been egging away at him for the past few months. The unanswered owls from Therese Bonaccord sat piled on his desk at work, not even unraveled but they managed to tease and ridicule his cowardly ways. There was no denying that he found the woman attractive, and that had been proven the night of the St. Mungo's gala when he'd snogged her senseless, but---it was too soon, wasn't it? It wasn't fair to Heidi's memory, what kind of bloke did that make it?

And most of all, quite certainly, it was highly inappropriate for Henry to be lusting after one of his client's former girlfriends. She was the only reason Michal Conway Lynch had gotten off so easily ('easily') in their last meeting; Henry's guilt at this unknown betrayal kept him from doing more than just verbally abusing his client.

When he'd somehow managed to spot Therese in the crowd, it only amplified the feelings that he was doing something wrong and distasteful...and then he watched as she was approached by a taller, seemingly more dashing fellow than Henry himself, and his misery deepened. He pushed his mask down from his forehead to cover his eyes, feeling like hiding away. What a feeling. Henry blinked, his hand placing his drink on the counter as it occurred to him that this miserable feeling had just been wiped away by one of yearning and longing. What was he doing here just sitting, waiting? Staring. He should do something about it. He would! He pushed through the crowd toward his target, sure that this would completely sweep her off her feet and he'd never question his intentions again.

"There you are," he said, taking the blonde woman's hands before kissing her soundly. A vague thought that he had remembered Therese having darker hair flitted through his mind, but Henry found that this woman, this woman, was far more entrancing.

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2014-01-04 02:54 am UTC (link)
Orion had gone to the New Years Eve party with the goal of having a good time. A masquerade wasn't exactly his idea of 'fun', but he knew most of his friends would be there, and what better way to welcome in a new year than by getting smashed and kissing a pretty girl at midnight? He didn't know who he would wind up locking lips with, but he did know where the bar was located, and headed there to work on his buzz.

When he went back for a second drink, he found himself waiting beside a brunette in a very pretty dress. Admittedly her attire - more specifically, how she was wearing it - was what had initially captured his attention, though the bright blue eyes that peered at him from behind her mask were just too pretty to look away from. From what he could tell, the blue-eyed witch didn't seem to be there with anyone, so he decided to stay at the bar for a bit. One drink turned into two, and then three, and then he started to lose track. They had just finished with a round of shots when he slid his glass across the counter back towards the bartender, turning back towards her.

"I'm finding it increasingly hard to believe you came here alone," he said with a smirk, wondering when the space between them had become so minimal. "I bet you could have any bloke in this place." His eyes scanned the room, but he looked back at her again, a devious twinkle in those hazel eyes of his. "Those eyes alone could bring a wizard to his knees."

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2014-01-04 06:36 pm UTC (link)
It had become alarmingly evident that Therese could not make and evening out of these large social gatherings without a drink or two in her system. Problematic? Quite. She'd always found it much harder to take her own advice than the words of supposed wisdom that she treated her patients with, and this past year was proving that even further. But! So long to 1984! Tonight was the end of all that rubbish, and tomorrow would prove to be the start of a much better go at this difficult thing called life.

Spending some of the evening with Mackenzie and Sebastian had been quite fun, indeed, but as the evening pressed forward they were separated and Therese found herself the center of a very tall and dashing man's attention. She'd always been very good at holding conversations, but with the mix of the revelry going on about them and their choice of drinks, Therese felt herself becoming much more bold. Fresh, even! She touched the side of her mask, silently giving it a bit of credit towards her confidence as well. It was always much easier to do things you normally wouldn't when under a disguise, wasn't it? Even if it wasn't much of a disguise, at that.

"It was my decision to come alone," she lied. She'd only come because Mackenzie had insisted it would be good for all of their spirits. Wash away the miserable past year with a lovely evening out. Her friend was proving to be right. "I thought it would be interesting to see how the night went from there."

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2014-01-05 06:24 pm UTC (link)
Second WWN New Year's Eve party, second unplanned snog? Max couldn't figure out if this was a good habit he was seeming to be taking up, or a bad one. Good because it wasn't exactly like his ulterior desires were being fulfilled with his partner-less existence, but bad since--- well, you weren't supposed to go around flippantly snogging witches, were you? Especially ones you had no idea who they were when both of you were wearing masks.

Right. So he really shouldn't be doing this. Despite establishing that thought, Max couldn't exactly put a stopper to what he was currently doing, which was snogging the beautiful girl in his clutches senseless. Her hair felt so smooth in his hands, and her lips the perfect mixture of softness with fruit (was that strawberry?). It was becoming increasingly harder to pull away from her, let alone stop all together.

"I don't--" Max began, in a feeble ditch-attempt to break it off. He supposed it was really a pointless effort, for even if he managed to break away from her, it didn't exactly seem like her hands were going to do with being parted from his chest anytime soon. A distinct shiver ran up his side as one of her hands slunk around his neck.

"--- usually do this," he finished, speaking as if it were the most inconvenient of reveals. Who was this woman?

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2014-01-06 03:25 am UTC (link)
Franzy felt like she hadn't been out in ages, not that she really minded as she had the cutest baby boy at home to take care of. She never would have thought five years ago that her and Stubby Boardman would have the domestic family role down pat. She had almost forgotten how fun it was to go out an pick out fabulous dress robes and do up her hair. She certainly felt like she was nineteen again and trying to turn the heads of wizards when she entered a room.

She had lost her husband some point after she had found Miranda, then lost her friend in her attempts to find Stubby for midnight. The masks certainly didn't make the task any easier. As time slipped by, Franzy lost sight of her task and gained a new, much easier one. One that was standing just across the room leaning against a wall.

It didn't take long for her to have her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him soundly. This is what New Year's was all about. New Adventures. New Snogs. New boys. When had she gotten so old and boring that she had forgotten something so basic.

"Perhaps..." She murmured, wishing the masked man would just stop talking. How was she suppose to enjoy this strange new kiss, if he kept interrupting it himself. "You should start making a habit of it."

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2014-01-06 12:46 am UTC (link)
Kalista was touching up her hair in the mirror when she noticed the large hand of the clock behind her inching closer to the '12' on its face. She let out a sigh, turning back to acknowledge her reflection. A hand reached up to adjust the mask that was covering her face. The last time she had worn one was Halloween, so it was natural that her thoughts kept drifting back to Louis.

She found that she thought about him more often than she should - she shouldn't have been thinking about him at all, but she had a better time with him in Belize than she had with Augustus during their entire marriage. Her lips rolled under as she thought about all the kisses they shared, though the longer she stared at her reflection, the less she thought about her husband and the beautiful Frenchman. She suddenly got this feeling in the pit of her stomach - the kind you get when you know there's something you need to do, but you just can't remember what it is.

Stepping out of the ladies room, Kalista scanned the crowd, her feet moving her towards a predestined location. It was like there was a magnetic pull dragging her towards one side of the room, and when her eyes finally locked on the ginger haired wizard, something clicked in the back of her mind. The smile on her face resembled one of a cat who had just tracked down a mouse, her heels bringing her towards him. She placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, waiting for him to turn around and face her. Once she had his attention, she gave him a once over before her eyes were back on his.

"It's almost midnight," she remarked, her hand sliding down to his chest, her other hand lifting to follow suit until she was curling her fingers into the fabric of his dress robes, pulling him in towards her. "I don't know if I can wait until then for you to kiss me."

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2014-01-06 02:20 am UTC (link)
Well you were supposed to do a lot of kissing on New Year's, weren't you? Ralph hastily decided yes, that was entirely the case, so it was without reservation that he pressed closer to this masked witch and kissed her soundly.

Was there something else he was supposed to be doing right now? Ralph had thought, maybe moments ago or ages ago, that he had been... doing something, watching for someone, or... thinking about... something? Maybe. Obviously it was of no matter now, if he couldn't even remember it.

Maybe she had been what he'd been looking for all along.

"Shall I relieve you again?" Ralph smiled slightly as he spoke, one side of his mouth hooking greatly over the other. Her hair was the most clearest of blondes, and her robes caught his eye with every breath she took... was she even real? He tightened his grip on her, rubbing his thumbs gently against her face.

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2014-01-07 06:52 pm UTC (link)
Nicodemo shot a dark look at a witch in black waltzing away as he rubbed a spot on his hindquarters sourly. Larkin had sworn she wouldn't leave him unprotected tonight, but a hunt for hors d'oeuvres had turned into a twelve minute long odyssey which left him (and his arse, which even he—as if such a thing were rare—would admit looked quite superb) very vulnerable. Ordinarily, a lazy lothario such as Nicodemo Penrose would welcome the saucy advances of a beguiling witch, but a charity ball in Prague, a cotillion in the United States, and a governor's ball in Cairo had shown him society ladies were far a bawdier, and altogether stickier, nuisance than their less-refined counterparts. Though the flesh was willing, the mind was far, far too weary in Nicodemo's case.

After sixteen minutes and several circling witches, he decided to retrace her steps, cursing her quite heartily when the trail led him to be presented with the scene of Larkin, in the kitchen, being hailed as a queen by the house-elves.

"You're a bad friend," he said accusingly, jabbing a finger at her, which earned him muted looks of disapproval from her loyal subjects as they milled about performing their duties.

Plucking grapes off a passing platter, he said with a slightly full mouth, "I'm bored, my arse has been pinched three times, there are no drinks to speak of a man of my stature can pridefully indulge in, I'm bored, and there's balcony access to the second floor up through there," Nicodemo then pointed upwards outside of the kitchens while still looking at Larkin reproachfully. "And I'm bored. And hungry; were you ever coming back?"

These were the reasons Nicodemo liked to insist they be on an entirely different continent during the eve of the new year.

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2014-01-08 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Her eyes snapped open, and Larkin's hands and shoulders dropped so suddenly that her makeshift bread crown slipped off-kilter.

"Am not!" she retorted, setting aside her celery scepter and onion orb on a nearby cutting board. Was it her fault that in the quest for food she had befriended a couple of creatures along the way? No, of course not, not when they promised to bake, create, or cook anything she desired. Her hands settled on her hips as she looked at Nicodemo dubiously.

Plus, she really hadn't been gone from Nico's side for that long.

And, furthermore, since when had he become so opposed to arse pinches?

"A man of your stature?" Larkin echoed, one of her brows popping up in an amused manner. Oh, he was in a mood. Withholding a snort (and rolling her eyes), she instead rose up on her toes to look over Nicodemo's shoulders, hoping to spot what she had been waiting for. Ah! There it was.

"Thank you," she said, slipping around Nico to meet one of the smaller house-elves levitating a large tray over his head toward them. Larkin plucked up the platter in all the kitchen chaos below their hips, brandishing it in front of her friend with a dramatic flourish. "Look what I had made!"

It was a platter of meat kabobs, settled next to a hearty portion of humus (a plate she would have to tell Octavius they should be serving), something Larkin now hoped with help curb Nicodemo's grumpy mood. Her previously lost mask was on the platter as well, and she quickly grabbed it as to not misplace it again.

"You love meat!" she encouraged, and smiling widely she brought the plate closer to his face. "Second floor balcony access after food!"

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2014-01-15 11:24 pm UTC (link)
He did, he had to admit as he reached blindly for a kabob, love meat.

There had been a period in his life, a period he liked to not dwell upon, when Nicodemo insisted he could thrive only on vegetation. The details of the mad diet eluded him (it had not been due to a fetching witch he had, as was rare for him, failed to make time with), but there was no mistaking that it had been a dark 76 days for all who encountered him. The bright spot through it all was the lifelong appreciation of hummus Nicodemo had been left with, thanks to his time spent excavating Grecian ruins.

As he chewed thoughtfully, he eyed Larkin's willing minions in the frenzied completion of the night's nibbles and bites. "Are you telling me we can't persuade these adoring creatures of yours to arrange us a nice spread on the roof?" He brandished his rapidly diminishing spear of succulently smoked meat at her in challenge.

"I bet we could." Hands freed and now seeking something to do, Nico juggled some tomatoes and a potato, oblivious to the dark look of a passing elf. "In fact, I wager we could have second floor balcony access with food."

Tossing them neatly into a countertop bowl, he caught the last tomato with his teeth, which he bit with a satisfying crunch.

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