09 November 1980 @ 10:27 pm
Owled to friends and family of Gabriel Corner & Rachel Englewood  
29 October 1980 @ 08:32 pm
Halloween Party (for Saturday!)! Everyone!  
Halloween was her favorite day of the year, outside of her birthday. And Christmas. And Valentine's Day! It was still pretty up there, considering that there were 365 days in the bloody year! Liz couldn't handle the excitement, whether it be from dressing Katie up in adorable little outfits (plural, because she simply could not pick one obnoxiously cute costume for her daughter) or doing her hair or making Ian dress up and the candy!

Ohhhh, the candy.

It was probably not a good idea to be on a full blown sugar rush when you left for a big party like this, but her fans (she had FANS!) were used to her rapid paced talk! So this should be the norm for everyone, because Liz Bell was a show stopper! The red carpet was sooo much fun, and the Bells were just sofreakinggoodlooking so why would the cameras not flash at them and sigh.

Halloween was the best ever.

"How are my buns?" she asked without looking up, unsure if she had wandered away from her husband or not. There were so many pretty costumes and lights and shiny things...it really wasn't her fault if she'd gotten lost in the crowd.
22 August 1980 @ 01:52 am
Who: Maybe my name is Edward, How dare you call me Rachel & Giada Dorny
What: The unconscious ones wake up! Sorta.
Where: Mungo's
When: Now!

Just as quickly as it had come, the warm feeling that had previously engulfed him vanished. )
20 March 1980 @ 03:27 pm
Open to 77ers!  
Okay, so this reunion?


Giada couldn't even---there was just so---IT WAS ALL JUST SO EXCITING. She'd seen these people and talked to them and what have you, but to have everyone grouped together, it was--brilliant! The stories that came up and the laughter and it was just right, and she felt like this was absolutely what everyone needed. It seemed like everyone in their year had been touched by the war, and--it was definitely noticeable with some people, but wasn't it better to try and move on with people who actually cared about you, then to sit and let time try to fix everything? Sometimes you needed a smile or a hug, it was just human nature.

Or it was just Giada Vance's nature, but! It was a good medicine, she liked to think.

The hall was gorgeous, and she found herself adjusting the plates and utensils and cups on the buffet table to make them alternate in position and just---looking perfect, because everything was perfect! Almost! It was as perfect as it could possibly be, and that was AWESOME.

She whirled around at a hand on her elbow, and Giada's face lit up brightly, "OH MY GOSH HI!" she let out, literally throwing her arms around them.
03 March 1980 @ 12:23 am
Owl sent to all graduates of 1977!  

Really RSVP to this post! Just so we can see them all together first x) And because Cristina wants to see it lmfao

OH ONLY 77ERS SORRY SIGNIFICANT OTHERS >[ (WELL technically they're there, but only 77ers tag to keep the mingling)
04 January 1980 @ 11:46 am
Who: Hippocrates Smethwyck and Rachel Englewood
What: A tell-all
Where: Haxton Manor (country inn)
When: Backdated to December 29 1979

con⋅fes⋅sion (n):acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness )
03 December 1979 @ 06:58 pm
Tell Me All That You've Thrown Away  
[WHO?] Jen Gibbon, Hippocrates Smethwyck and eventually Rachel Englewood
[WHERE?] St. Mungo's around lunch-time.
[RATING?] PG-13, at best.
[WHY?] We all need a little crack now and again.
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret. )

11 November 1979 @ 01:02 am
WHO: Hippocrates Smethwyck & Rachel Englewood
WHAT: ajdlkjadsfkjad;fkja
WHERE: St. Mungo's!

Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection. )
Current Mood: ecstatic
29 October 1979 @ 01:41 pm
The Halloween Ball! --Posted for Friday!  
In all of her years at Hogwarts, in all of her years being a prefect and working on a team full of the best students in Hogwarts, Phoebe Smethwyck had never been as impressed as she was right now as she stared around the Great Hall. Illuminated with candles in all shapes and sizes (and colors, a nifty charm a sixth year had found), the tables surrounding the dance floor were decorated with pumpkins, spiderwebs, and fall leaves, creating a spooky, yet beautiful design. The Ghosts of Hogwarts had volunteered to mingle more than usual (she thanked Nearly Headless Nick profusely, and promised to hold him a belated Death-Day party), captivating the guests with stories---how much truth they held, she couldn't be sure, but they were interesting nonetheless.

The band was a new kind of wizard rock, a bit more political than the Hobgoblins, W.O.A.R. There had been a lot of discussion at the prefect meetings about whether or not they should try and book them, but at the end of the day the naysayers (read: the Slytherins) were outvoted, and the band with the hit song "Do You Believe in M.A.G.I.C" was creating an incredible atmosphere.

So---people looked happy. They were laughing, smiling, and just---happy. Not something Phoebe felt like the wizarding world had been in a long time, and she was glad to be a big part of it.

Now, if only she could find a reason to be happy, herself.

ooc: No wands! Just your ID is needed. Everyone is welcome!
26 August 1979 @ 10:21 pm
Who: Rachel Englewood + NPC'd Ministry staff (AND CREEP MICHAEL LOCHTE)
What: Rachel gets hauled in for bloodline questioning due to her immigration and other "sketchy" details
Where: Ministry offices
When: Today, at 6

And according to my sources, he has two Muggle, magic-less parents )
22 August 1979 @ 09:09 pm
Who: Hippocrates Smethwyck and Rachel Englewood
What: CRACK CRACK CRACK Smeth finds out that it's Rachel's birthday!
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Today!

Birthdays are traditionally marked by celebrations including a birthday party or, in some particular cases, a rite of transition. )
22 August 1979 @ 03:20 am
Who: Hippocrates Smethwyck and Rachel Englewood
What: Heavy handed juice pouch metaphors? IDK CRACK!
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Today, lunchtime

Initially the punch had only a silver dot where the straw was to be punctured through, this however was very difficult to open as there was no difference in the strength or material of the pouch at that point. )
20 August 1979 @ 09:08 pm
WHO: Hippocrates Smethwyck and Rachel Englewood
WHAT: EVEN MOAR CRACK Despite of his love woes, our Smethy manages to snag a savvy new assistant!
WHERE: St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
WHEN: Today, at 10 to 6

There was a lot to learn-- Rachel was going to have to make sure she was organized, thorough, and efficient--and learning to speed walk would probably help a lot. )