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you hear it first. ([info]thenewstoday) wrote in [info]valesco_history,
@ 2011-03-15 00:12:00

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Entry tags:bianca vaisey, caradoc dearborn, danielle kettleburn, donovan rookwood, emmet belby, gideon prewett, glenda chittock, group, henry wadcock, mackenzie loftus, matilda rowle, sebastian goldstein, seth wadcock

Hogsmeade Weekend!
"I'm keeping an eye on you!" Professor McGonagall shouted at a group of mischievious looking Gryffindors. Always her Gryffindors. What the woman would do for one group of well-behaved young men. Was that so hard to ask for?

Minerva really hated Hogsmeade weekend. Instead of being excited for their studies, getting an education and becoming proper young wizards and witches, all these students wanted to do was snog at Madam Puddifoot's or buy some tricks at Zonko's. And she, just like every year, had to play chaperon. With a great big sigh, Minerva dropped down into a sit beside Filius, and across from Pomona. Those two always managed to have a splendid time on the weekends, and eying the poorly conceived bottle of firewhisky under Filius' cloak, Minerva now understood why.

"I do hope you intend on sharing some of that with your Gryffindor counterpart, Filius," she said snootily, waving her glass toward the Charms professor.

OOC: OKAY, this is meant to just be a general post---any time/year could take place in the comments, the common theme is just HOGSMEADE WEEKEND. So...the person who starts the thread would put MONTH, YEAR. Weekends are like...third weekend of each month? So have fun :)

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2011-03-15 04:08 am UTC (link)
Donvan’s eyes crinkled at the sides as he gave her a crooked smirk, reaching out to take her hands, pulling her further towards him as he listened to her explain her thought process to him. It never ceased to amaze him, how wound up she got when it came to her schoolwork, though he didn’t expect much less from a Ravenclaw, though Corner never seemed to be nearly as obsessive compulsive as his girlfriend. Her question warranted another smirk which, once again, cut a little deeper into one cheek than the other, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to her lips.


He mumbled his reply against her lips, his fingers lacing with hers.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in days…”

Another soft kiss to emphasize the fact that he had missed her, even though it wasn’t directly stated. In truth, they hadn’t seen each other for a few days, since they both had a lot of work to catch up on, and he had Head Boy responsibilities to tend to. They went to see each other when they could, like a quick hello at meal times (okay, so he saw her for a little while each day, but they hadn’t had any real quality time), but for the most part their schedules had been rather hectic.

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2011-03-15 04:34 am UTC (link)
She refrained from telling Donovan that they had just seen each other this morning at breakfast, because Danielle knew exactly what he really meant. It was rare that she was able to decipher his comments, very rare when it was a sarcastic one or a joke, so she once again felt a surge of pride in herself. Danielle understood all too well what he meant right now. Kissing Donovan was something she loved to do, and it had been an easy decision to get her studying done for this time with him.

"I know, I'll try to arrange my schedule better," she said with a firm nod, promising to revise her agenda early in the morning so to not waste any time. Danielle smiled and swung their hands back and forth, content with just standing pressed against Donovan, but knowing that his friends would be catcalling from the window soon and that grew annoying quite quickly.

"What do you want to do?" She kissed him again, quickly, before he could answer. She could kiss him all day if she could, if they had a place to avoid the teasing.

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2011-03-15 04:55 am UTC (link)
She wasn’t the only one who was waiting for the hollering and the whistling his friends would undoubtedly provide if they were standing around for too long holding hands and kissing. Donovan wasn’t the type of person who could be classified as a ‘romantic’, or a sap, but there was something about Danielle that made his stomach flip in the most pleasant of ways. He supposed some might classify that feeling as getting ‘butterflies’, but he had never been a fan of that particular analogy. Always seemed off-putting to him, for some reason.

Her question warranted a hum of thought, even though he didn’t have to do much thinking considering he already knew what he wanted to do. He nudged her nose with his, his fingers toying with hers as he moved to speak low against her ear.

“Run away…”

He pressed his lips against the area of her neck below her ear, right at the edge of her jaw before his hold on her hands became a bit more secure, kissing her lips once more to silence her from protesting, or telling him that they couldn’t run away or else they might be late for the carriage ride back. He just wanted to be a little young and reckless, and enjoy one of the last trips to Hogsmeade they would have while they were still at Hogwarts.

“Come…I have something I want to show you.”

Without any more word about where he was taking her to ‘run away’, he backed away from her, dropping one of his hands while keeping his other entwined with hers. If he had his way, they would run away and never come back – avoid all the drama that came along with their families and friends judging them for being together, despite all the factors that were working against them – but he knew that wasn’t possible. This would have to do, this temporary escape from all their responsibilities.

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2011-03-15 05:16 am UTC (link)
Run away. The words sent shivers through her, knocking away most of her common sense. Her first thought was yes!, but a second later she knew he was just teasing to get her crazy. Donovan was so, so good at riling her up, and making her act differently than she ever did, so it was hard to resist him. Danielle let out a surprised sound as he pulled her along, and she grabbed onto her hat with her free hand to make sure it didn't fly away with their quick pace.

Run away, run away. Danielle knew she should cherish their time in Hogwarts because the second they left the safety of the castle's walls, the real world would swallow them whole. His family disapproved of their relationship, of her and it pained her to no end, the trouble she brought him. Danielle knew that he made the fights he had with his parents seem like they didn't hurt him, but how could they not?

Maybe they should run away. Life would be so much easier, wouldn't it? But then she'd never become a healer, and he wouldn't go on to run the ministry, and she'd miss her brother, and he'd miss his---

Danielle gripped onto her hat, looking more intrigued and confused as to where they were going than excited. She liked surprises, once she knew what the surprise actually was.

"Is it far?" Maybe if she played the twenty-question game Donovan liked teasing her with---or, well, limiting her to.

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2011-03-15 06:08 am UTC (link)
He was often times tempted to remind her that the whole point of a surprise was to be left in the dark, but he was too aware of the fact that he himself wasn’t a big fan of surprises, and felt like a hypocrite when he expected her to not ask any questions. He turned to look over his shoulder at her, making sure they weren’t being followed as he guided her down a pathway that she had most likely never traveled down before – or, he hoped she hadn’t, since it lead to what he wanted to show her at the end. It was far enough away from the rest of the students so that they could have privacy, but not too far that they would get into any serious trouble, God forbid they got caught.

Then again, that all depended on what they were doing when they were caught.

“Not much further.”

He’d give her that much, at least, turning around in order to swipe at a branch that was in front of him, lifting it so that she could walk beneath it as he continued to lead her by the hand to where he wanted to take her. It would be another couple of minutes before he pushed past a hedge of bushes, creating an opening for her to follow him through. It lead out to an area of trees, which were only just starting to bud with vibrant pink leaves – a group of cherry blossoms, which were blooming around wild flowers. It was definitely a beautiful sight, something he thought she would have much more of an appreciation for than he had.

He had brought her there because he loved seeing the look on her face when he knew she was truly happy, or excited, or pleased by something.

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2011-03-15 05:23 pm UTC (link)
"Ohhhhh!" Danielle breathed, letting go of Donovan's hand to rush forward into the grove of trees. Oh! Professor Sprout had talked about these trees, how she had planted them with her year mates in her first year, look how they'd grown! Danielle had always meant to look for the blossoms, but she'd always lost her thoughts and forgot about them. "Prunus serrulata!"

Her hand reached to the slender trunk of the tree, amazed that something so beautiful could be such a short distance from the back alleys of Hogsmeade. The town was pretty, but these were beautiful, and not native to the land so they were unique and special, it was really breathtaking. The petals on the ground looked like they hadn't been disturbed, so with all the students who had come to Hogsmeade this year, none had tampered with the natural beauty of the cherry blossoms. Danielle turned around, leaning back on the tree to look at Donovan.

"How did you find this?" she asked, breathless. Her face was full of wonder and intrigue, and...adoration. Donovan had known that she would absolutely love the trees, and just the idea that he'd thought of her when he'd found this place...her heart was beating madly.

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