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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2007-08-02 16:20:00

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Entry tags:hurray florida, work

All of this rain is making fish fall out of the sky, too.
Dear Florida:


So, yeah, streets are starting to flood out here. I bet Shore Acres is totally underwater right now, it floods over every time the sky spits out a raindrop.

I saw a couple of fish flopping around in the parking lot at work this morning. It was a couple of catfish about 11" long or so. A guy was trying to catch them to put them back in the water (there's a little retention pond in front of the Publix a few doors down), with no luck. I tried to catch them with a piece of paper. I, too, had no luck. They kept flopping out of my hands and back onto the pavement.

A few minutes later, a cop was driving down the parking lot. He saw the fish, and came out to help. The cop and the guy found a pizza box, and captured the two catfish in it. They then were put back into the water. Kinda fun.

Later, my manager on duty saw another catfish out back when he was on a smoke break. Don't know what happened to that one, though.

Fish. On pavement. Isn't that crazy?

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