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occultus_mod ([info]occultus_mod) wrote in [info]occultus,
@ 2011-10-31 18:20:00

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Entry tags:!daily prophet

1ST NOV. 1998 • The Wizarding World's Beguiling Broadsheet of Choice • 5 κ
By Rita Skeeter
Tragedy struck at the Halloween Festival at Hogsmeade yesterday when the event was "gate crashed" by some unwelcome vigilantes. At a quarter past three, just as the Minister of Magic, Pius Thicknesse, was wrapping up his speech, thanking members of the community for attending, an attack took place where loud explosions erupted around the stage and four individuals apparated onto the podium and attempted to kidnap the Minister. Thankfully, with some quick thinking from the Hit-Wizards on duty, anti-apparation wards were quickly put in place and the attackers were not able to escape.

All four are now in Ministry custody. No more information has been released in regards to them or what was the motive behind the attack.

The explosions, while loud did no real structural damage and caused no harm to the people present other than putting most in a state of shock. It is assumed that the explosions were naught but a diversion while the actual plot was to kidnap the Minister and perhaps make an attempt on his life. However, in a brief statement from the Ministry, Aurors and Hit-Wizards are working together to discover the truth behind the attack.
One witness to the attack said that the vigilantes seemed to spring from nowhere and where clearly intent to kill the Minister. Another suggested it could be members of an Anti-Ministry gang. The most notorious of said "gangs" being the Order of the Phoenix. Several known members of the Order say this is preposterous as the Order worked in the name of peace - attacking the Minister would just prove to be fruitless.

If you have any information that could prove useful to the Ministry the Department of Magical Law Enforement urge you to come forward. As soon as the Ministry finds out any details, Daily Prophet readers, you'll be the first to know.

In more pleasant news, the Festivals raised a grand total of 97,382 Galleons, 1,439 Sickles and a Knut for the new Children's Ward at St. Mungo's. Construction of the ward commenced late last year and with the funds from the Halloween Festival the ward should be open just in time for Christmas.

In a brief statement released from the hospital they would like to thank everyone that contributed and donated to their great cause. With the new ward going in, child patients will no longer have to be treated with adults and have a more child friendly environment to recover in.


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