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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-02-02 18:48:00

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Entry tags:dreams

I keep having strange dreams that leave me sleeping into noon because I want a conclusion.

Last night's dream:

In the dream, there was a legend that if you found a bunch of small golden eggs (these eggs were about the same size as those palmer's eggs they have at Easter in those little packets) it would bring you (and very well, the community, I think) good luck.

I was on the beach building a sand castle. I dig in th sand and find a black billfold with an old black-and-white portrait and ten small golden eggs. Suddenly, people show up around me and take me to this church-like building. Apparently I had to swallow one of the golden eggs for whatever reason (luck I think). Then there was a bunch of dancing. It was like a giant square dance where there was a lot of spinning around with arms outstretched grasping other's hands.

My aunt was there and she gave me a rabbit. Then the leaders of this church or whatever it was handed out puppies. Then I woke up.

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