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whydowescream ([info]whydowescream) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-04 19:49:00

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Entry tags:inactive - j'anna j'onnz, mourning dove

Making a few calls (J'anna)
Jay's concerns were valid, even if her gut, or dove-senses, or whatever, wasn't telling her Eli could manage to be a threat right now. And among the warning calls she made, one of the most important would be to J'anna J'onnz of the the Outsiders.

"Hello, this is Mourning Dove of the Teen Titans. Is Manhunter there?"

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2011-06-04 10:35 pm UTC (link)
Tim had left town and J'anna still didn't know why. It bothered her in that deep, gnawing way that everything seemed to since she came back from being a zombie. There wasn't much she could do about it, though, so she opted for her favorite comfort method: Chocos. She was halfway through the fourth box when her phone rang.

"Speaking. Um, is there a reason we're using code names? This is my personal line." She was careful not to speak Ruth's name, just in case there was in fact a reason for the code names.

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2011-06-04 10:38 pm UTC (link)
"... Because I totally thought I was calling the headquarters line and trying to be professional. Sorry, J'anna. Thing is, we have a bit of a situation you deserve to know about."

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2011-06-04 10:42 pm UTC (link)
"Heh. It's cool, Ruth. What's up? You usually don't call unless there's an issue. Which in and of itself is an issue because you should call more." Ruth would be able to hear the slight rustling of the Chocos bag as J'anna sat it aside. "What's going on?"

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2011-06-04 10:45 pm UTC (link)
"You know Eli Coyne? Wings, substance abuse issues?"

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2011-06-04 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"...what did he do now."?

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2011-06-04 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Ruth sighs. "He was worried about something with his boyfriend and got really drunk. He'd been sober for months; it's really too bad. I... apparently need to learn more about how to counsel drunk people, because the things that normally work on sober people... got really bad, and he went off on tangents until he was ranting about wanting to attack any and all aliens. Jay tried to stop him from flying off, but he pulled out some weird new screaming trick and in the end, I just had to get Jay back on the roof to make sure he didn't get hurt, and Eli flew off. True, he was on top of things enough to shake off Jay, but he was very drunk, and my dove senses aren't telling me anything. But it seemed best to keep people informed."

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2011-06-04 11:08 pm UTC (link)
J'anna sighed and rubbed her face.

"Ruth, nothing that works normally works on Eli. But I appreciate the warning, seeing as how I'm a great big green alien with a pink tail sometimes. I swear to H'ronmeer that when Eli comes down from this, he's getting his unstable ass evaluated. I know just the guy and I will personally weld him into the building for rehab."

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2011-06-04 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"Right. Good point. And yeah, he really seems like he needs some real help. But just keep out for him and his magic fire-sword and if any of you need backup, call us. I've got a suspicion the boyfriend lives somewhere up there, so that makes his coming your way even more possible."

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2011-06-04 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"Fantastic. I'll keep my eyes peeled." And she would. She just...wouldn't tell Tim or Lian about this. They were totally human and vaguely overprotective. She could handle this--if it came to anything--on her own.

"I appreciate the call, Ruth. And I mean it, call more when there's not an emergency."

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2011-06-04 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"I'll definitely try. Especially now that the semester's over."

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2011-06-04 11:52 pm UTC (link)
"Good. I need someone to talk to these days before I go all crazy Martian or something."

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2011-06-05 05:35 am UTC (link)
"How are things over there, anyway?"

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2011-06-07 01:25 am UTC (link)
There was a slight pause before J'anna spoke.

"They're okay. Tim got my apartment redone so it doesn't look like a crime scene now."

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2011-06-12 03:48 pm UTC (link)
"Non-crime-scene dwelling-places are good. How...is Tim, otherwise, if you don't mind my asking?"

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2011-06-12 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"He's okay, I guess. We don't really talk much anymore. He seems really withdrawn so I've just stopped trying. He does his thing, I figure out ways to avoid my father."

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2011-06-12 04:00 pm UTC (link)
"J'anna... you really should talk to your dad."

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2011-06-12 04:06 pm UTC (link)
"What is there to say? I was horrible to him."

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2011-06-12 04:16 pm UTC (link)
"You were zombie, putting everything in the worst way possible. But taht already happened ...How could things possibly get worse? If you talk to him, it changes from the fact that the last time you saw your father, you were horrible to him, to the last time you saw your father, you talked about your feelings like adults who care about each other."

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2011-06-12 04:20 pm UTC (link)
"But I said terrible things that I actually meant, Ruth. I meant every word. It wasn't manipulated rantings. It was honesty. How do I go back from telling my father he never wanted me?"

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2011-06-12 04:30 pm UTC (link)
"I don't know. Maybe ask him about it? Give him a chance to really discuss how he feels, find a way to move through this?"

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2011-06-12 08:14 pm UTC (link)
J'anna sighs.

"Did Cerdian put you up to this, by chance?"

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2011-06-12 08:18 pm UTC (link)
"Cerdian, Cait's pseudocousin, right? I haven't talked to him since her funeral, so definitely no. This is %100 pure Morgenstern pastoral overeagerness here. Admittedly, the last time I let that out, I had a drunken half-angel plotting genocide, but you know."

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2011-06-14 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Well I don't have any milk nearby to send me on a drunken rage. I think you're fine."

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2011-06-14 10:48 pm UTC (link)
"Whew! Good to know I can' screw this up too badly, then."

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2011-06-14 11:22 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, Martians are more broody anyway. We just eat more Chocos. Okay since Cerdian didn't put you up to do this and you're the eleventybillionth person to suggest it...I'll call my dad."

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2011-06-27 12:34 am UTC (link)

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