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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-30 00:31:00

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Entry tags:plot-"secluded invasion"

No Calm Before the Storm
The clouds darkened and gathered above the capitol city of Wakanda. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed. The winds picked up, and rain beat down from the sky. A figure that appeared to be the Queen of Wakanda hovered in those treacherous skies with her arms held out wide. Her eyes were blank and white, the physical descriptor of her amazing power to control the weather. The people thought her appearance in the sky was their symbol of hope; that she was going to end the storm that threatened the capitol so fiercly.

Instead, lightning crashed down more and more. One vortex formed, and then another not so far off. The people of Wakanda soon realized that who they thought was Ororo Munroe was not actually trying to help them. Instead, "she" was attacking them. Her fierce control over the weather caused destruction and chaos that even their finest warriors had no chance to defend against. They fled to shelter, hoping that "Storm's" attack was close to the finale.

But she was not. More swirling winds from the sky touched the Earth's surface. Some of them combined, creating larger and more dangerous twisters. And this continued for no more than ninety minutes. Ninety minutes of Hell from above, and then "Storm" fled from the capitol before anyone could even attempt to capture her. When the true Ororo Munroe arrived, she was in for a nasty surprise.

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