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Chelsie ([info]chelsie) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-05-27 02:04:00

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Hi there! I really hate to do this but I think its finally time for me to take my leave of this wonderful place. I am becoming so busy that I can really only concentrate on so many things. I am working, assistant directing and soon will be taking classes everyday and just don't have time to update here anymore.

Please please add me on facebook if you'd like to keep in touch! I love seeing all your posts and just wish to try and condense some since my life is super crazy! Chelsie Lloyd is my nameeeeeee and should be easy to find me!

I will miss you all!! ♥

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2010-05-27 05:40 am UTC (link)
Add me on facebook ladylove ♥

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2010-05-27 01:07 pm UTC (link)
booo i'm sad you're leaving! you're one of my faavs.
adding on fb though

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