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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-13 20:18:00

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Entry tags:pippi peppers, thomas kyle

No Robins are liable for any brain breakage that may occur
Maria had tricked him into karaoke and even gotten him to sing. And there was no way she wouldn't have known he'd get his revenge on her for that stunt one day. Just...perhaps not in this manner.

He picks up his phone and dials a number that had been given to him by a certain bubbly blonde a few weeks before. Part one, commence.

"Hi, am I speaking to Pippi Peppers?" 

Silver lining to having to deal with baffling people? You could now sic them on your unsuspecting victims.

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2012-11-14 12:30 am UTC (link)
Pippi answers her phone with her usual enthusiasm and cheer. "Yes you are! Hi Mister Person."

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2012-11-14 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Perfect. You may not remember me but I'm the guy you met at fashion week and you thought I worked for Playboy. I don't but I do have an offer of sorts to throw your way. You see, a relative of mine doesn't have a very busy social life and I've finally gotten her a date but she's not ready for it. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for you to show off your stylist skills. Go full Pippi style on her. In return I'll set you up with a meeting with WE's PR department. They've got connections in the industry and they can point you to some companies. What do you say?"

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2012-11-14 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Ooohhh, I'd do it anyway, to help your friend, of course. But who is WE?"

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2012-11-14 02:23 am UTC (link)
"Thank you, that's very kind of you but we don't know each other well so I'd never presume. WE is a giant company with the main office in Gotham, they employ a lot of people in this country alone and the PR department is well connected. It wouldn't hurt your future if they looked at a portfolio and sent it to some connections. So do you have a pen and paper or someone to write the address and time I'm going to give you?" He wanted to cover his bases and be sure she wouldn't forget.

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2012-11-14 02:42 am UTC (link)
"Oh yeah, no problem. Writing it down right now and sending it to Mom's handler. This is business stuff, so he'll set up a flight down and make sure I'm all set for anything needed." Ok, so its not quite the same - but it should make sure she's there, and even if she's forgetful, she has taken to heart the Peppers' creed of hiring competent people to take care of things.

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2012-11-14 02:52 am UTC (link)
"Perfect," he nods over the phone. That had been exactly what he hoped she'd do. "It was nice talking to you Pippi, I'm sure Maria will appreciate your work. Remember, full on Pippi's best stuff here. Don't hold back even if she complains,the girl needs some pampering." That might be true but any exclusively good deeds towards Maria could wait for another occasion.

"If you have any question just call this number alright? Thanks again and see you."

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2012-11-29 05:19 am UTC (link)

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