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Margery Daw Grundy ([info]seesaw) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-09 16:40:00

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Entry tags:annie dibny, margery grundy

We Are Made of Stone (For Annie)
As on many occasions since getting here, Margery Daw Grundy is watching television, trying to sort herself out.

It's just that there's lots of them, in this case; she's finally properly onthe rotation for monitor duty.  And she keeps the room quite chilly.
Chilly enough to follow everything that's going on every screen with minute attention to detail that belies the apparent dullness. She's no supergenius even at her best, barely even literate, but she can be quite smart, and she's kept watch enough in her life to know how to pay attention like there's someone trying to kill you and everything you love. Because there is.  And she's at her best now, mentally and physically.  Logically speaking, most of the YJLA members would have an extra-hard time destroying her right now. And yes, she's thinking about that, even though it's also logical that they wouldn't try. Unless there was an especially impressive psychologically-affecting accident. So it's good to know anyway.

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2013-01-12 08:29 pm UTC (link)
Annie had heard that they'd gotten a few new members on the JLA since she'd come back from her leave of absence. And while it wasn't her time for monitor duty, she figured she might as well swing by and introduce herself to the new girl, anyway.

Annie brought pizza. Pizza was always a good way to start things off. Not wanting to startle to her too badly, she knocked first.

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2013-01-12 08:33 pm UTC (link)
"Come in, please," Margery said flatly.

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2013-01-12 08:46 pm UTC (link)
Annie opened the door, stepping into the room. She shivered a little when she walked in. "I just thought I'd come in and introduce myself," Annie said. "I heard we got a couple of new people."

She smiled. "I'm Annie Dibny. Also known as Elongated Girl." She held up the pizza box. "I come bearing pizza."

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2013-01-12 09:02 pm UTC (link)
Just a little tensing as Elast-chick an entirely new and different girl entered. She spared a look, and then flickered back to analyzing the monitors. "Margery Grundy. Margery Daw. Thank you very much."

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2013-01-12 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you," she said. "I figured I might as well stop by and introduce myself. And bring pizza. I always get hungry on monitor duty."

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2013-01-12 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"Pizza's nice. Really great stuff. Superboy introduced me to it."

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2013-01-16 12:25 am UTC (link)
"He's thoughtful like that. I just grabbed a cheese pizza. I didn't know what you liked in terms of toppings, so I figured that was my best bet. That way, you didn't have to pick a bunch of stuff off."

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2013-01-16 12:33 am UTC (link)
"Very thoughtful, thank you." Margery continues to not take her eyes away from the screens for more than a second, though.

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2013-01-16 04:41 pm UTC (link)
"I try," Annie said, placing the pizza down on the table next to Margery.

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2013-01-16 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"I hope it's not too cold," Margery says quietly, taking a slice without looking. "I work better in the cold. I'm not very smart, so I need every edge I can get." It's not a blushing admission, just matter of fact.

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2013-01-18 09:14 pm UTC (link)
"It's fine," Annie said. "If it works for you, and helps you, then I'm sure it's good. And I'm sure you're smart in your own way."

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