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Nara Shikamaru // 奈良・シカマル ([info]haecceity) wrote in [info]last_stretch,
@ 2009-09-26 11:46:00

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Entry tags:closed log, ino, shikamaru

Who: Shikamaru, Ino
What: ... one-sided friendship except not really.
Where: High school.
When: Three years ago, second year of high school. (Japan only has 3 years of high school.)
Warnings: So backdated. And references to sex. And STDs.

Shikamaru had always thought class was easy. That is, until one teacher started giving a damn about what was going on in his head. Crossing his arms, he leaned back on his chair while staring at the blackboardeam, before throwing his arms up and sighing, not really caring to solve the problem presented to him.

"I told you," he started, holding back a yawn and failing. "I don't know the answer."

The blackboard eraser hit him in the head, and the teacher scoffed. "I call bullshit. Come up to the board and do the problem."

But fact of the matter was, it was too much of a pain in the ass to walk all the way to the front of the class, much less stand up. Instead, he stared at the board in his usual lazy manner, wondering why this teacher kept picking on him. Sure, he knew the answer to the problem. But that didn't mean other students, who were more willing to show off their prowess, didn't either. Instead, he sighed and picked up a pencil and paper from the desk behind him, writing down two or three lines, before folding the paper up into an airplane and tossing it to the front of the class.

It was a good thing the bell rang to save his ass from a lecture from hell. As if on cue, he gave the notebook back to his neighbor before slumping forward, ready to take a nap.

Nara Shikamaru was notorious for never leaving his seat in school. And this was a prime example of it.

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2009-09-27 04:03 am UTC (link)
Nara Shikamaru was notorious for never leaving his seat in school. Everybody knew it.

Ino knew it.

Instead of hopping out of her seat the moment the bell rang, like the rest of the class, she waited, very slowly stowing away her books and shrugging off her friends. No, no, it's totally okay, go to lunch without me. I'll be right there, promise.

She waited until everybody left, until the only other person in the room was her target, snoring lightly in his seat, pineapple ponytail sticking straight up like a beacon. Somehow, it made her feel a little better, and she rolled her eyes as she made her way towards him and sat on the desk in front of him--not in the chair, but on the desk. Her skirt was probably a little too short for the action--and regulations--but she didn't mind that much. It was just Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru," she said, and pulled on his ponytail.

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2009-09-27 06:43 am UTC (link)
He scowled as Ino pulled on his ponytail, pulling his head back, but instead of making a motion to have her stop, he went with the motion. It hurt less that way, and it took a lot less effort to just go along with the motion instead of protesting and arguing and all that unnecessary stuff. He just stared at her momentarily through squinted eyes until she let go, slumping forward on his desk once again, regardless of the fact that Ino was there.

Her and her fatass stick thighs or whatever the adjective was.

"What," he finally answered, about a couple minutes after the initial tug on his ponytail. He liked to take his time, and Ino was no exception to the clause.

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2009-09-27 08:11 am UTC (link)
Typical. She rolled her eyes and very audibly scoffed, though she did nothing else to make him hurry up. This was something... a little more delicate than normal, and the key here was getting Shikamaru to cooperate, and not just do as instructed. She needed him on her team, because if anybody else knew about this... it would be bad.

"I need a little tiny favor," she cooed, holding her fingers up to indicate just how tiny the favor was. "And you can't tell anybody, okay? It'll be our secret."

She pulled on his ponytail again, just for emphasis.

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2009-09-27 08:17 am UTC (link)
"Get to the point already."

And even if he was taking his sweet time, what Ino was doing was taking her sweet time and keeping him away from his nap. There was approximately twenty-eight minutes left of lunch break, and he wanted to make good use of it. Not that the remaining two and a half hour left of school was reserved for anything else but napping, but it was the principle of it all.

Okay maybe he just wanted Ino to shut the hell up and leave him alone. Whatever.

Instead, he muttered a curse as his ponytail was tugged on again, before tossing both hands up into the air and shaking his head.


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2009-09-27 08:36 am UTC (link)
Well, he was listening, if not necessarily cooperating. But she figured that was about as good as it was going to get with Shikamaru; if she managed to thoroughly annoy him enough, he'd do just about anything to get her out of his hair. Which served her purposes just right.

"I have a little..." She paused, trying to word this in a way that didn't make her sound like a ho. God, it wasn't like she did this on purpose! It just happened. "Problem," she said finally, biting her lower lip. This whole thing was making her feel a little more nervous and self-aware than she was accustomed to.

"I need you to pick up something for me, is all." Because if her daddy found out about this... she was toast.

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2009-09-27 01:03 pm UTC (link)
God, he was listening. That was enough, right?

He quirked a brow at Ino's overflowing use of tact, something that was unusual considering who he was talking to. "You have," he repeated, "A little problem." Bullshit. If she was coming to Shikamaru for help, it wasn't a little problem by Ino's standards. He sighed, waving a hand in front of him.

"Specifics, Ino."

Because if she was coming to him for help, it was for something that couldn't get around the neighborhood for her dad to get news about.

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2009-10-02 11:20 am UTC (link)
Specifics. Specifics. She didn't want to give him specifics. She wanted to tell him what to do and have him do it and that would be it and she would be the only one who ever knew about this. Except maybe for the guy who did this to her.

Really, though, it was kind of her fault. Last time she would ever let the condom slide.

"Ugh, Shikamaru," she whined, stretching out the last syllable of his name for as long as humanly possible. He hated when she did that. "You really don't want to know. It's just... a problem, okay? And you can fix it so fast just by picking up this little thing for me!"

With the most pathetic expression she could muster, she rested her chin on her knees and stared at him, pouting.

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2009-10-02 04:03 pm UTC (link)
He watched her movements carefully, because if anyone knew what Ino was thinking of, it was Shikamaru, as much as he hated to admit it. Instead, he quietly slapped Ino on her thigh (the covered part) before forcefully pushing himself up from his seat, putting his weight on her legs. It's his act of showing attitude right at Ino because he knew that she wouldn't—couldn't do anything against him given her situation.

"Medicine," he started, rubbing the back of his neck before taking his phone with him, good luck charm in tow. "Which?"

He already had a clue. And a course of action.

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2009-10-14 07:40 am UTC (link)
Good. He was catching on.

Even if he was being kind of a dick about it. But she could deal with that, considering he was about to go and buy medicine with an applicator.

"It's just some... antifungal stuff," she mumbled, looking away, before digging around in the black hole that was her bag. "Or whatever. Here." She pulled out the slip of the paper the prescription was written on, folded into a tiny, nondescript square, and held it out for him. Miconozole.

"You know how crazy my dad is about me. He'd see the charge on my card and he'd get all suspicious and stuff and... yeah," she babbled, unexpectedly anxious. Which was ridiculous, because this was Shikamaru. "It's bad enough I had to skip rehearsals."

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2009-10-14 07:49 am UTC (link)
He looked at the sheet of paper before scoffing (his version of laughing right at Ino's face because Nara Shikamaru didn't do laughing), rubbing the back of his neck. He flipped open his phone, raising a brow as he focused on something on the screen, sending a text message as if on queue.

"What makes you think I'm going to go get it?"

See, the question was: Why the hell would Nara Shikamaru ask his father for some Miconzole? Or anyone, for that matter? As much of a lazyass he was, Shikamaru still had some sort of twisted chauvinistic sense of pride that he maintained ever since he was little. No matter how whipped he was, from left to right, all over his life.

That, and his father ran a pharmacy. Things were a little more complicated than how Ino probably imagined things, but not unmanageable.

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2009-10-14 08:05 am UTC (link)
"Shikamaru," she scolded, sorely tempted to snatch his phone out of his hands--but she resisted. Who the hell was he even bothering to text? Using a phone was supposed to be way too troublesome for him. And so were charms.

Was that a seal?

"What are you even--" Time. Place. With a scowl, she crossed her arms and barked, "Will you just do it? It shouldn't be that hard."

The urge to hit him--just to reinforce the message--was strong, but she resisted that too; usually, he cowed pretty well before her demands, but Ino wasn't above violence or threats. And if those failed... crying.

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2009-10-14 02:46 pm UTC (link)
"Can you shut up for a second?"

Jesus. Ino never did shut up, did she? Shikamaru rolled his eyes and stepped away from her as he pressed a few buttons on his phone, letting the speed dial number... well, dial. "What a pain," he mumbled to himself. "Can't even get through one day without hearing your voice." Which, for some reason, never really did bother Shikamaru as much as he always said it did. But he would always keep saying it just because he could.

Staring at Ino momentarily, he sighed and waited. "And if you start crying," he started, "I'm hanging up."

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