The Last Stretch
One last run before real life starts.
Recent Entries 
24th-Nov-2009 10:48 pm - // CLOSED, ONGOING;
the summer.
WHO: Shikamaru, Temari
WHAT: lmao IDK.
WHEN: 20/11/2009.

"move." )
15th-Oct-2009 09:14 pm - [ closed | complete ] /spams forever
[sexy] now you're caught in my arms.
Who: Ino, Shikamaru, and a cameo from Suigetsu
What: When Ino gets rejected, everybody suffers. In which Ino breaks a cardinal rule, Shikamaru discovers that photographic memory really isn't all it's cracked up to be, and Suigetsu gets caught between a rock and a hot place. But don't worry, everything works out. Eventually.
When: October 9th, night & October 12th, evening.
Where: Shikamaru and Ino's apartment.
Warning(s): Some naked shenanigans, but it's pretty vague.
Note(s): This is a revised version of the drabble I wrote for Soo uh... whenever my bet with Ruxi was. We decided we just had to make it canon somehow... so we did. All godmodding is consensual.

From the bed, Suigetsu waved. )
26th-Sep-2009 11:46 am
the just.
Who: Shikamaru, Ino
What: ... one-sided friendship except not really.
Where: High school.
When: Three years ago, second year of high school. (Japan only has 3 years of high school.)
Warnings: So backdated. And references to sex. And STDs.

the shit i put up with for you. )
19th-Sep-2009 08:03 pm - ongoing | backdated | so closed
...brb droning you out
Who: Sakura, Shikamaru
What: How they met could really shed light on why she was so annoyed with him all the time.
Where: Intro to Bio.
When: One year ago, 2nd week of their freshman year.
Warnings: Backdated like holy crap.

I can't believe you're a genius. )
16th-Aug-2009 10:16 pm - [ closed | on-going ] the light of our armistice day.
[pose] countless lovers undercover.
Who: Ino, Shikamaru
When: August 15th, afternoon
Where: Shikamaru's place
What: Ino burns down her apartment. The only solution? Take over Shikamaru's instead.
Rating/Warnings: No? Unfortunately. :(

our antebellum innocence )
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