The Last Stretch
One last run before real life starts.
Recent Entries 
22nd-Nov-2009 05:57 pm - [closed - ongoing | if you're happy and you know it]
... 8\
WHO: Sakura, Shino
WHAT: Apparently people take breaks when they're studying. Sakura attempts to enforce this onto Shino by offering him a heaping helping of silly.
WHERE: Library-- and then wherever Sakura drags them.
WHEN: 22.Nov.09

Sakura was probably right. He needed a break.  )
21st-Oct-2009 11:17 pm - in process; closed log
you wanna go for a walk?
WHO: Sakura and Neji
WHAT: TEA. AND MAKING UP. Or something.
WHEN: 20th of October
WHERE: Neji's apartment to start, I guess.
WARNINGS: The sex is in another castle.

insert witty shit here, idek I hate being first dib )
21st-Oct-2009 11:17 pm - in process; closed log
hiring a hitman brb
WHO: Sakura & Naruto
WHAT: So, supposedly there's movies and stuff and talk about their stalker. But then again Sakura knows he and Neji did the nasty. So. I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE???
WHEN: 13th of October
WHERE: Sakura's lair.

I hate Ash for always taking second dibs )
13th-Oct-2009 09:16 pm - wip log; closed; can I have both?
does this make me look fat?
Who: Sakura, Shino
What: Shino's protip to Conquering the World: Get along well with the women. When scorned, they make awesome weapons. (Translation: tea getting, talk, and gasp could it bonding?)
When: October 13th, afternoon
Where: Milky Dipper café
Warning(s): That café name. 8D Jen might strangle me, or maybe not. :D No warnings.

It's not prodding if she's opening up so easily. )
7th-Oct-2009 11:12 pm - [ Open - In Progress | Man, he never had a chance... ]
Big Smile, Trying Hard To Contain My Amusement, Fun Tymes!, Snicker
Who: Everyone Naruto knows.
What: Party for Blondie~ And coming in costume is encouraged!
When: October 10th... ish, evening/night
Where: Faculty Lounge at a certain boarding school
Warning(s): The usual warnings when people get shit-faced drunk.

Now dance, fucker, dance... )
4th-Oct-2009 03:35 am - done!; closed log;
just before i break your jaw
Who: Sakura, Shino, Lit Class full of NPCs
What: The hard science kids hiding in the back of the class while the lit majors pontificate all over the place in the front. Also, there's a spider, and Sakura's geeky past comes to light.
Where: Literature Class, in whatever college we are, Jesus.
When: Friday, October 2nd

Now watch me charm you out of that shell. )
19th-Sep-2009 08:03 pm - ongoing | backdated | so closed
...brb droning you out
Who: Sakura, Shikamaru
What: How they met could really shed light on why she was so annoyed with him all the time.
Where: Intro to Bio.
When: One year ago, 2nd week of their freshman year.
Warnings: Backdated like holy crap.

I can't believe you're a genius. )
21st-Jul-2009 07:59 pm - Hello, Pretty Lady
Who: Sakon, Sakura, Ukon
When: July 21, evening
Where: HanaHana Sushi restaurant
What: The twins happen across a lady Ukon is sure he knows, if only because of the color of her hair
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for languages

Can I get your number? )
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