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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-25 22:40:00

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Current location:New York City, NY
Current mood: cheerful
Entry tags:david roberts, misha loganovich, npc team - weapon x, team - x-men

The Brothers Logan
Misha did David a favor and didn't ruffle his hair as they stood outside the Museum of Natural History. After the Mojoworld caper, Dad was a little reluctant to let David off the institute grounds, but Misha convinced the old man that a weekend with him in the city doing some guy stuff would be good to get David's mind off things. After all, His Imperial Highness, Grand Duke Mikhail Loganovich of Russia had discreet security provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., and lived in a penthouse with nearly every dangerous weapon known to man. If the man was a paranoid female Russian spy. That liked to shot things.

Safety wasn't the main concern. The real danger was that they'd eat themselves into a stupor and hang out in their boxers with the terrace doors open.

"Tessa'll be here any second," he said to David. "Keep an eye out. You can't miss the red hair."

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2009-08-26 06:54 am UTC (link)
He looks up at his big brother. And yes he does have to look up, David is looking forward to the growth spurt that His Mom reassured him would happen at some point.

He was ready to tease Misha then the joke rolled away from him. Instead he just smiled a little. "All right. But seriously Misha, all I'll have to do is watch the heads turn the way you talk," he finally managed to say.

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2009-08-26 07:01 am UTC (link)
David won't be looking up for much longer. Misha wouldn't be surprised if he was looking up to David one day soon. It was only genetic luck that kept him and Anya at the same height.

Misha grinned. "If I start talking about Moose and Squirrel," he exaggerated a Russian accent for the effect, "then we'll be in real trouble. You're going to like Tessa, she's very nice."

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2009-08-26 07:04 am UTC (link)
Well Mom and Grandpa Ira were tall. Ira had said all Wark men were tall, then again.

He lost a battle against a laugh. "I hope so. She sounded nice from what you told me. Also sound normal which is neat."

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2009-08-26 07:12 am UTC (link)
Misha didn't tell David of his suspicions that Tessa was a mutant. Until she was ready to talk about it, he'd let her have her privacy.

"There." Misha pointed down the street to a bob of red over the crowd. "Right on time. The woman is eerily punctual."

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2009-08-26 07:16 am UTC (link)
"Another check mark in the Tessa is good column," David remarks.

David would probably keep his mouth shut. At the same time it's good Misha is respecting her privacy. David focuses on her watching her then gives a small nod. Once she's within range he might take a curious sniff.

But the crowds are loud so he might forget in favor of tuning out things.

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2009-08-26 07:29 am UTC (link)
Tessa waved when she saw Misha and what had to be his younger brother. The other Logan son. The pit in her stomach grew. Nicholas had insisted on making a move to grab them and Tess couldn't do anything but go along with it. She really wanted to warn them, tell them to get out of here, but she knew what the consequences would be if she did that.

She put on a smile and approached them, ignoring the three other familiar faces nearby.


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2009-08-26 07:34 am UTC (link)
"Hi." Misha waited until she was close enough to take her hand and give her a quick kiss. "Glad you could make it out with us. This is my brother, David. David, this is Tessa."

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2009-08-26 07:35 am UTC (link)
He smiles at her. "It's good to meet you."

She deserved better than a reserved nod. That was for other people.

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2009-08-26 07:42 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she said as she forced herself to keep smiling. The pit in her stomach was getting bigger. She looked at the younger Logan. "It's nice to finally meet you. Big brother here has told me about you." She held out a hand.

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2009-08-26 07:55 am UTC (link)
David takes her hand with a firm yet comfortably loose grip. "All good I hope," he says with a grin.

If she's looking into his fears that one is easy, right now his biggest fear is him not being strong enough to help his family. He hates the idea of being too under trained.

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(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-26 07:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-26 08:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]smallestbear, 2009-08-26 08:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-26 08:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-26 08:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]smallestbear, 2009-08-26 08:48 pm UTC

2009-08-26 07:43 am UTC (link)
Well above the scene, Kelly radios down to her teammates in a whisper as she unpacks her sniper rifle. "Based on reading their posture and stance, and using the photographs from previous meetings to make matches, I've found their SHIELD escorts. I'm keeping a bead on them... don't worry Nickie, just horse tranqs. They'll sleep for a week, but poor old man Furious won't have to pay the bill for cleaning up brain matter. You sure you don't want more help with Misha? He looks like he could be fun."

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2009-08-26 08:05 am UTC (link)
"He's mine," Nicholas said over the comms. "No one touches him except for me. Understand?"

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2009-08-26 08:07 am UTC (link)
"Aww, Nickie's got a boyfriend. You got competition there, Red. In case you've already done some touching, I got it on good authority that Misha heals - we could chop off any bits you really want to keep for yourself sometime. Nickie'd never know the difference."

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2009-08-26 08:10 am UTC (link)
Tessa ignored the chatter on the comms. She needed to pretend everything was normal and there wasn't going to be an attempt to grab the two Logan boys.

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2009-08-26 08:10 am UTC (link)
"Cut the chatter," Nicholas growled into the comms. He didn't need Crosshairs messing this up. Not when they were so close.

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2009-08-26 08:17 am UTC (link)
Cut the chatter. Always with the cut the chatter. Kelly rolls her eyes, and finishes assembling the rifle and silencer.
"Alright, alright already. Just gimme the signal when you want to send Fury's boys to dreamland."
Til then, she pops a piece of bubblegum in her mouth, and unfolds the copy of guns & ammo she was keeping in her back pocket.

"Ooohhh, .50 cal, easy conversion to full-auto, hair-trigger, scope and silencer options... I think I'm in love."

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2009-08-27 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Time to move," Nicholas said as he watched Phobia and the two Logan boys move toward the entrance. "Take out the babysitters."

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2009-08-27 12:39 am UTC (link)
"This little piggy went to dreamland..."

*pop* The slight sound of the dart is music to Crosshairs' ears. The first SHIELD agent falls.
The rifle swings about and she fires without taking more than an instant to aim.

"And so did this little piggy..."


"And this little piggy..."


The last has heard the radio go silent, and has enough time to start to lift his com and dive for cover. The dart hits him in the neck mid-dive.


"Oohh, quick little piggy. Almost went wee-wee-wee. Its your show, Nickie."

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2009-08-27 12:45 am UTC (link)
"Good job, Crosshairs," Nicholas said as he started moving toward Misha. "Be ready in case we need you to help take them out. Rest of you move in. Tessa, time to act."

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2009-08-27 02:05 am UTC (link)
Misha opened the entrance door for Tessa and David, gesturing them ahead. "We have all day, kid, so feel free to take your time. There's a cafe here so anytime you get hungry, we'll grab some food and keep on looking around."

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2009-08-27 05:21 am UTC (link)
Tessa looked at Misha. "I'm sorry," she said before putting a hand on his. She activated her powers. He would see his worst fears and nightmares.

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2009-08-27 05:24 am UTC (link)
David's eyes locked right onto Tessa. What the hell was she sorry for? He was confused. Of course he wouldn't get it right away.

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2009-08-27 05:36 am UTC (link)
"I got junior in my sights. What'cha think, Nickie, dart in the neck is getting boring. I think he'd look good with an eyepatch. Left or right?"

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2009-08-27 05:44 am UTC (link)
"Stick to the plan, Crosshairs," he growled. "No permanent injuries. We were told to bring them back in good shape." Nicholas weaved in and out of the crowd trying to reach Misha.

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2009-08-27 05:46 am UTC (link)
"You and your plans. Getting boring and predictable... and besides, pirate is bound to be big this halloween." Kelly tsks, but takes the shot for David's neck.

"Bedtime, kiddo. Let's leave Uncle Misha to fight the big, bad, boring man alone."

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(no subject) - [info]smallestbear, 2009-08-27 05:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-27 10:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-27 10:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-27 10:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-27 08:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-27 08:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 12:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-28 02:41 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 06:39 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 06:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]mishaloganovich, 2009-08-28 09:31 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 09:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_weaponx, 2009-08-28 10:02 am UTC

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