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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-12 15:12:00

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Entry tags:iona, plot-"wedding march to a war drum"

The Quest for Balder (Iona)
The trip to the base of Yggdrasil where the Norns made their home was mostly uneventful. The small party easily avoided the wandering groups of Asgard's enemies and reached the spot under the world tree. Three women were gathered around the Well Urdarbrunn. Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld saw them approach and stopped their activities and waited.

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2012-07-16 10:35 am UTC (link)
The journey had not been unduely tenuous, but had left the skald on edge, nonetheless. It had been rare indeed, for her to wander alone, with warriors under her command - the lives resting in her hands weighed heavily, which served to ward off any fear at approaching the old crones.

"...Awaite me here.." She murmered softly to the 6 warriors that accompanied her before moving towards the Norns.

"Hail, wise ones...I am Iona, daughter of the Goddess Idunna and the lord Bragi. I see thy aid, may I approach thee?"

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2012-07-16 11:38 am UTC (link)
"Approach, daughter of Idunn, and speak to us," one of the Norns said. It was hard to tell which one was which.

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2012-07-16 11:42 am UTC (link)
"I bare the gravest of tidings from Asgard and seek thy aid and wisdom in locating Balder the Brave, one of the greatest warriors our realm has ever known...he has gone missing, with others."

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2012-07-16 04:38 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, dark times for the Aesir," said one of them. "May be the coming of the last battle," said another. "The one you seek, Brave Balder and beloved son of Asgard, sleeps," said the third.

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2012-07-16 06:28 pm UTC (link)
"It may be, but it is not certain?" She glanced back at her escore before taking another step towards the woman, "Where does Balder sleep, and what makes it so? What dark magic is at work here...and how might I stop it?" Was that to many questions..?

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2012-07-16 07:56 pm UTC (link)
"Naught is e'er certain," one said. "We see shades of the future and those shades can change."

"Balder lies in a deep sleep in the place of Karnilla. She hath taken him to be hers."

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2012-07-16 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Oh...this day was getting better and better. The end of the world *and* a maniacal (and apparently lonely) sorceress to contend with..Then again...thus far, her task had been fairly easy. Nornheim it was to be, then..

"You have been most generous with your aid....I am in your debt, should you ever require what humble service I hath to offer thee."

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2012-07-16 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"The debt is acknowledged," one said. "And wilt be collected when it ist time."

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2012-07-18 07:59 pm UTC (link)
..right. she bowed to the woem before backing away, returning to her companions, speaking to one of them "return to Asgard with news that Balder is being held by Karnilla..should we fail in our mission, rescue will still be possible..the rest of us...we go to see the sorceress."

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2012-07-18 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"At once milady," the warrior said with a small bow and started running in the direction they had come.

"We art ready, milady," one of the remaining soldiers said.

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2012-07-19 04:17 pm UTC (link)
Right. Ready....of course she was ready! ...-ish. With her 5 remaining companions she turned them to the direction of Nornheim, devising a plan along the journey...

Force was not her way, she was not a warrior..but Iona had other skills at her disposal. At the edge of the Norn forest she left he companions to make camp and continued on foot to the palace of Karnilla alone, approaching in the open, not stopping until she reached the gates, "My name is Iona Indunndittir...I humbly beg audience of the great sorceress Karnilla."

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2012-07-19 04:25 pm UTC (link)
There was no verbal reply, but the door to the palace opened.

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2012-07-19 04:26 pm UTC (link)
She lifted her eyes to the heavens in a brief, silent prayer for courage and wit before stepping slowly inside, squinting in the darkness, "...be anyone there?"

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2012-07-19 09:02 pm UTC (link)
"Up here, my dear," said a voice from up the stairs.

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2012-07-20 02:57 pm UTC (link)
"I come seeking the shelter of they hearth...Asgard is under attack, Ragnarok is at hand." She peered into the darkness taking a tentitve step forward.

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2012-07-20 04:00 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, Ragnarok is here," Karnilla said as she stepped out of the shadows. "I care not for the woes of Asgard, only for those I care about."

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2012-07-20 06:57 pm UTC (link)
"A most noble sentiment great one...I see sanctuary from the comming tide of evil, in exchange for what skill I posess and the knowlege and history of the Asair bestowed upon me by my father."

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2012-07-21 08:07 pm UTC (link)
"You are here seeking sanctuary?" Karnilla asked before starting to laugh. "This is too rich."

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