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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-16 13:26:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord

Mother-Daughter Talk
"So, he said I should talk to Mr. J'onnz for advice, and maybe see people at the JSA --"

"You're not trying for anything with Superboy, are you?" Claire Montgomery asked her daughter.

"No, we're just reasonably cordial acquaintances and maybe hopefully going to be teammates."

"Good, because that's not even remotely plausible. If you Asked Nicely, you'd give yourself away in a second."

"I'm not going to Ask Nicely for somebody to go out with me, Mom."

"Right. Especially not when it was obvious and you could get arrested or sued. In that department, just do the best with what you've got -- this trying to be a heroine is going to be such a good motivator for looking better -- and highlight the advantages. Now, a lot of guys bristle at the idea of a girl's paying for everything, but let's face it, babydoll: boys with too much pride are not your target demographic."

"...I know, Mom."

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