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brianna a. sloper ([info]nastyshock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-08-27 16:39:00

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Entry tags:fiona finnegan, grayson wilkes

Fuming in the lift to get out of this damned place, Fiona's mind kept replaying the infuriating meeting she'd just had with the official behind the M.A.G.I.C. information desk. She wasn't allowed to ask questions until their meeting, here's a brochure with the documents you need to bring to the meeting, see you at the meeting---don't bring your muggle husband.

Fiona's arms were tightly crossed as she pushed into the corner of the lift, ignoring the ministry workers coming on and off without a second look toward her. It was so strange--yesterday she was having a conversation with Isobel about how she didn't feel any different, being a pureblood, from a muggleborn, even a muggle. It just never came into her mind that there was something better about it, that it was a privilege and honor to not have any muggles in your family, but today. Today she found herself feeling insulted that they were questioning her blood status, and that made her sick.

She needed to fix this. Brianna's internship was at stake, and if she couldn't find the right documents, her sister might lose everything she worked so hard for and--Fiona let out a shuddering breath, angry at everything going on right now, especially the tears in her eyes. Brilliant.

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2008-08-27 10:15 pm UTC (link)
Normally, Grayson Wilkes wouldn't have even come to the building ... but he'd been planning on visiting Amery (and this time, hopefully, the visit wouldn't end in both of them bleeding on the floor). That was the reason he was in the elevator, but the fact of the matter was that he had spotted Fiona the moment that she stepped on. He casually muscled himself toward her spot and resisted the urge to slip a gloved hand down onto her shoulder (he did know sometimes when he was stepping into the 'creepy' zone).

The fact that she was distressed wasn't lost on him, though, and he frowned faintly. Merlin knew that she'd made a poor choice marrying that muggle bloke, but she was a pureblood nonetheless ... and someone he was at least a little fond of.

"Fiona," he rumbled quietly, stepping out of the elevator onto the floor he'd seen her press.

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2008-08-27 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Her head shot up at her name, and Fiona was taken aback at the sight of Grayson Wilkes. Merlin, she was sure she hadn't seen him since she was pregnant with Claire, and that was--nearly a year. That bothered her now that it came to mind, that someone who'd been very involved with her life had just suddenly dropped out of it, but--

--that's why happens when you get engaged while you were snogging someone else, she supposed. And when you get married just two or so months after ending things. Hm. Things had ended so abruptly with Grayson, and then had started up so quickly with Tom that she'd never really thought about everything.

"Grayson, hi, hello," Fiona's eyes shot up to the lit up numbers and was surprised to see it was her floor. She hurried off, arms still tightly crossed over her chest as she stood beside him. "How are you? How's--everything?"

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2008-08-27 10:39 pm UTC (link)
They'd both gotten remarkably busy since they'd ended things, really. He noted to himself that she looked at least marginally well considering the fact that she'd had a child - but didn't allow his mind to wander past that for obvious reasons. Grayson arched his brow at the woman.

"You look upset," he murmured quietly, flexing his hand at his side so that he didn't do something that he regretted, something that would make him feel weak later when he looked back on it, "Should I be concerned?" He sorely hoped that she wasn't going to be getting any grief over the early stages of this act, orchestrated by the Death Eaters or not.

"We can talk about how I am later."

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2008-08-27 11:10 pm UTC (link)
It was always hard talking about her own problems. Even with the ton she always had on her shoulders (even though lately it had only felt like half a ton), Fiona had never been good at putting her worries and concerns into other people's laps. She hadn't learned over the many years that this often backfired on her, that it messed things up until they couldn't be fixed, but she'd rather deal with everything herself than upset someone else.

Like--she was going to go home and tell Brianna that things were going to be settled. They were, Fiona was sure, but there was no reason to act all flustered and upset in front of her sister, who had much more riding on this than she did. Fiona had no problem assimilating into the muggle world if that was the case, if that was what they'd force her to do, but she knew Brianna was headed for great things, so--this had to be done, and with as little stress as possible.

"Well," she started, shrugging. Her hand came out, dropping limping in a conversation-like gesticulation, "They're questioning our blood status, and now Brianna's internship is in danger of being suspended and---" Fiona waved her hand dismissively, even though just saying the words put a vice like clench around her heart, "--it's just really fucking ridiculous."

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2008-08-27 11:15 pm UTC (link)
"...and of course you've misplaced the proper paperwork," he finished, unsurprised. With the girl's father the way he'd been, it was no wonder that she couldn't find anything. Merlin's sake, he'd probably burned all of their records in a fit of rage or something obscenely ridiculous like that.

Grayson frowned to himself and then nodded out the door of the Ministry. "Perhaps we should ... take a walk, Fiona." Hopefully she wouldn't think that he was taking her to the back-alley to put her out of her suspect-bloodline-misery. If it was someone else he might've considered it, but he did know Fiona and he assumed that she was a pureblood out of his own good conscience. If she wasn't, dating her had been a very terrible mistake.

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2008-08-28 02:20 am UTC (link)
"I didn't," she defended immediately, shooting Grayson a look, "It took me months to sort out all the legal shit for the pub, I've got boxes upon boxes of random papers in a storage place---it's going to be madness." She flushed, though, knowing quite well that Grayson knew the kind of household she came from. Not many people did (or at least, not many people let her know that they did), and Fiona could not overcome the embarrassment of being stuck in a situation like it for so long.

No matter how many times people told her it wasn't her fault, she still felt guilty for not doing more. Endless cycle of anger and blame.

Fiona looked down for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. She felt no qualms about going out with Grayson, though she knew Tom had his nagging issues with the man. Fiona could understand those, of course, but---she also needed some time to think before she went back home and had to deal with discussing everything with Brianna. Even though she was the older sister, Fiona often felt like the one under the microscope (which was a lot of her own mental doing, but-), so---taking some time would be beneficial to everyone.

"Yeah, all right," she said with a nod.

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2008-08-28 02:24 am UTC (link)
He'd suspected as much. The fact was that her father was to blame in the long-run, whether Fiona thought so or not. He nodded absently, tapping a finger against his lip. There was certainly no shortage of strings he could pull in the department in just the right way to make sure that they were going to focus on actual dangers to the bloodlines like the muggleborns that had already wormed their way into the system ... and it would certainly be no hardship to him.

That didn't mean he was going to do it without considering some things, though. He did think things through now and again despite what his brother probably thought. Grayson gently took her arm, guiding her toward the door. There was a coffee shop down the street, he was sure, where they could have this conversation in a more secluded (and less monitored) location.

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2008-08-28 02:43 am UTC (link)
Grayson was always taking the lead with things. Fiona, personally, didn't mind it when people did; it gave her less decisions to make and less reasons for things to be her fault. Pessimistic view of things as always, but she put the thoughts aside and tried to force herself not to dwell on the troubles that she was going to have to deal with for the next few days--weeks.

"How's Ophelia?" she asked, continuing to look forward though a smirk twisted onto her face. She didn't know if Grayson would be surprised or not that she knew of his relationship status, but--being around Tom's sisters and the officers' wives did give her lots of tips on being...not nosy, just informed.

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2008-08-28 02:46 am UTC (link)
Grayson had fallen into his own thoughts for the moment until Fiona spoke again and he pushed a smile onto his lips. "Oh, you know. They're ... moving forward." Which was mostly true -- things had been going very well and he'd been thinking about bringing them back to the same level they'd been at before the whole wedding fiasco had occurred.

He turned his head enough to quirk his brow at her, curious. "And ... Tom?" All right, so he couldn't leave at least a hint of contempt out of his voice, but at least it appeared like he was trying. Hopefully she had enough sense to keep her do-gooder husband out of the loop when it came to Wizarding politics -- getting him involved would be a guaranteed death (possibly at Grayson himself's hands).

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2008-08-28 03:13 am UTC (link)
She didn't know why she was so glad to hear this, that a very bright, actually happy smile had crossed her face, but Fiona was very pleased to hear that Grayson's relationship was going well. It could be that it had ended so badly, or that---well, she just found it amusing, lovely even, that the thought of his girlfriend could make this mostly serious man smile. There was always something good about that kind of love.

Fiona tilted her head back and forth, her own love-induced smile slipping onto her face.

"He is very good, a doting husband and father," she said, meaning every word. Of course, the guilt of keeping the increasing difficulties of the war from him crept into mind, but Fiona truly believed it was for the best. Especially if she wanted to keep herself in the wizarding world. Which...wasn't something she needed, but she didn't want to lose it.

"Life just doesn't like making things easy, I suppose--" she said as they entered the cafe.

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2008-08-28 03:19 am UTC (link)
He resisted the urge to say something akin to 'well, not for you because you've made very poor choices about your husband and father who's so doting', biting on the inside of his cheek for a moment. Grayson smiled lightly and nodded to a table in the back of the cafe. "If this is all right with you?"

Grayson smoothed a gloved hand over the table and flagged down one of the annoyed waitstaff. No wonder -- the building was packed with people and their table was particularly difficult to get to. Oh well.

"On me, naturally," he grinned at the waitstaff and looked to Fiona expectantly. He was thinking about helping Fiona again, Merlin help him.

Let nobody say that Grayson Wilkes didn't have a soft spot for (blonds) women that he (had at some point been romantically involved with) respected.

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2008-08-28 03:42 am UTC (link)
She sat down with a smirk, leaning forward with her hands folded in front of her.

"Now, do you want me to play dumb until you spring your brilliant and helpful idea slash offer at me, or would you rather we wait for our tea to arrive?"

Fiona wasn't dumb. She knew that Grayson had stuck his rather influential nose in places to help her with things; getting her the job at Gringotts, those Christmas presents, helping her with--her father. In the far reaches of her mind, Fiona knew that she was sitting across a table from her father's murderer, but the gratitude for having that man out of her life for all of eternity was too thick of a veil to allow her to see the crime as truly heinous.

It was weird, it was strange, it was probably very bad for her---what else was new?

At any rate, she needed help, and Grayson was definitely a person you wanted on your side when you were in trouble. Prior experience, again, shows that she already knew what could go wrong if you crossed him the wrong way.

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2008-08-28 03:50 am UTC (link)
"Damn," He mused with a smirk of his own as she leaned forward, "You caught me. I'm planning an elaborate forgery in my head right now. I think perhaps we'll plant it in your study and pretend that it'd been there the whole time, don't you think?"

Honestly, that wasn't that bad a plan ... but it was definitely not his style. Grayson dealt with things using intimidation and anger because it was what he was good at. He shifted slightly and tapped one of his gloved fingers against the table, eying Fiona.

"But honestly, Fiona, I think we both know that the Ministry is sniffing for leads because they're bored idiots." The waitress brought the tea and Grayson poured some for Fiona and then for himself before he continued, arching his brow at her again. "They're relatively easily distracted, however."

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2008-08-28 04:09 am UTC (link)
Her chin dropped slightly, a suspicious glance crossing her features. She didn't know why he couldn't take the easy, clean and straightforward road, but Fiona also reminded herself that Grayson never made things easy. She clicked her tongue a few times, trying to find the alternate meanings of his words, but decided that what her mind was coming up with could not be what he was actually suggesting.

"I don't think I know what you mean," she said, keeping her eyes locked onto his. Maybe if she mentally willed herself to come up with her own idea, she wouldn't have to go along with anything...unsavory, because that's all that was coming to mind with the look on his face and the tone of his voice.

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2008-08-28 04:15 am UTC (link)
"I think you know exactly what I mean," he mused with a slight shake of his head. "I plan to go in and speak to them rationally until they see the light." Which was ... more or less what he was planning to do, if one were to clip out all of the child-inappropriate parts of his plan.

That was about what he did whenever he talked to ... other people about what he did, anyway.

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2008-08-28 05:34 am UTC (link)
"Mmhm," Fiona hummed, taking a sip of her drink. It was scary how easily she was able to avoid getting shaken up by his words. Because--they were innocent enough, for sure, but Fiona knew better and--didn't care.

She wondered if Brianna would be upset by these kinds of methods, not going about the blood status issues in the proper way and...circumventing trouble that she knew would confront them. The only reason they were questioning her anyway was the fact that she had married a muggle (the thought infuriated her, but it had to be the reason; they didn't have enemies, she didn't think), so...

"Give me a week to try and figure this out on my own," she said, a smirk on her lips, "and...if things go as I have a feeling they will, do I have permission to contact you to accept your help?"

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2008-08-28 05:39 am UTC (link)
Grayson smoothed his hand through his hair after a moment, thinking. Women, always trying to be independent and solve things that were bigger than them with sunshine and love.

...okay, he knew that was only partially true... but that was how he saw it right now. He took a slow sip of his tea and glanced to Fiona again, flashing her a smirk.

"Just say the word, at that point." He'd set things up so that he'd literally have to pay one visit to someone and then things would be completely solved.

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