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я j ℓ ([info]mistermoony) wrote,
@ 2008-03-06 20:06:00

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We, society, need to stop feeding various forms of highly-induced sugar to them, the little children of the world, because puking incidents will be the end of me if they do not stop quickly during the miniature star show.

Little known fact; throw-up is not always the same colour and 93% of the time, the child will start crying because he/she does not want to make a scene and people to stare. Fancy that.

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2008-03-07 03:04 am UTC (link)
What color was it this time?

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2008-03-07 03:06 am UTC (link)
Maroon-ish green-- a first.

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2008-03-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
See, even people's vomit supports the Catapults.

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2008-03-07 03:11 am UTC (link)
But the Catapults are red and green.

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2008-03-07 03:15 am UTC (link)
Maroon is a shade of red. And actually, the official colors are scarlet and light green.

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2008-03-07 03:25 am UTC (link)
Scarlet is not maroon, James.

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2008-03-07 12:55 pm UTC (link)
Scarlet is a shade of red, maroon is a shade of red, therefore they are both shades of red, and FURTHERMORE my original statement stands.

Do not try to fight my amazing logic.

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2008-03-07 03:56 pm UTC (link)

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2008-03-07 04:00 pm UTC (link)

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2008-03-07 04:04 pm UTC (link)
Not. The. Same.

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2008-03-07 04:06 pm UTC (link)
Did. Not. Say. That.

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2008-03-07 03:05 am UTC (link)
If one more mum comes up to me and says that the star show was too chaotic, after passing the big red sign that says 'MAY CAUSE MOTION SICKNESS' I am going to make them throw up myself.

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2008-03-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
Or, you can just take my big bucket-o-puke and just pour it all over the ground for them. You'll get the same effect.

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2008-03-07 03:14 am UTC (link)
If they didn't really want to experience a black hole, they shouldn't buy tickets.

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2008-03-07 03:46 pm UTC (link)
Exactly my friend, exactly.

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2008-03-07 03:29 am UTC (link)
Pancakes are worse than highly-induced sugar.

Just so you know.

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2008-03-07 03:58 pm UTC (link)
Pancakes will never be allowed in planetarium.

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2008-03-07 04:33 pm UTC (link)
You do know how to please a lady, Remus.

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2008-03-07 05:03 am UTC (link)
And now that we've met Lily's Disturbing Information quota for the day...

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2008-03-07 03:59 pm UTC (link)
At least we hit two birds with one stone.

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2008-03-07 05:36 am UTC (link)
That's really gross, Remus.

Just so you know.

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2008-03-07 07:56 am UTC (link)
It's human nature though.

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2008-03-07 03:59 pm UTC (link)
Exactly, so now everyone knows and will stop puking on the ground when they come to the planetarium.

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